24 Apr 2020

Year 9 – Just War Inquiry – Creative Props

Year9 InSoc students spent Term 2 working on the statement of inquiry: “wars happen for different reasons and are fought in different ways – however the most obvious consequences of war are widespread death and destruction”. During this they were introduced to details of World War 1 and a Global Politics theory regarding wars, known as the “Just War Theory”:

  • JUS AD BELLUM (The reasons for going to war are morally right, e.g to defend yourself, to protect civilians from violence, human rights abuses, humanitarian disaster. The choice to go to war was a last resort)
  • JUS IN BELLO (The war is fought in an ethical way. Only appropriate levels of force are used. Only military targets are attacked. Civilians are protected. Chemical and biological weapons are not used)
  • JUS POST BELLUM (When the war is over there is a process of building sustainable peace and reconciliation)

Our students took their new knowledge of this theory, applied it to World War 1 and were asked to work collaboratively in groups to apply it to a different conflict or war.

These included:

As part of their assessment they had to create an artefact or prop that depicted an aspect of the war they studied which was symbolic to them. Here are their examples:

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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