29 Jan 2016

Year 7 Chinese Accelerated Learning—Blindfold Activity

On Thursday, 14th of January,   Y7CX101 class  has experienced a fun and challenging outdoor activity called 盲游 (Blindfold Activity).  It is a version of “Blind man’s bluff”; a game in which all group members are blindfolded and try to walk around in the open spaces of SIS campus.  The “bluff” version of the name is the result of a mishearing and possibly also the alliterations with “blind”.  The activity entertained and engaged the students to work together with their team members.  They used their sense of touch to stimulate their emotions and feeling.  The purpose of this activity was for students to use more adjectives describing feelings in their Chinese essay writings.

This activity let me know my school better, and it is an eye-opener for me to observe better my school surroundings.” 7C2 Theodora Ho

…I realised how hard it is to live without the ability to see and how important trust and cooperation are. This activity was really meaningful and it has taught me a lot.” 7B1 Chloe Jazzy Lau


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