17 Jan 2019

Welcome back, alumni!

It is always a pleasure to meet alumni again! This week we are sharing latest updates of fellow alumni from recent to earlier years.


Moira Booth, then Head of Food & Textiles
Mr. & Mrs Chan, long-serving cleaners

A very warm welcome to Moira and her husband as well as Mr. & Mrs. Chan. Staff were so delighted to see that they are doing extremely well. Moira worked at South Island School from 1979 till 2002, and left Hong Kong in 2003. The couple had a wonderful chat with Chris and Annette Chapman who worked closely with Moira at the time.

Mr. and Mrs. Chan had been cleaners at our school since the early years of SIS when we were still at the So Kon Po campus. Warm hugs and laughter made their visit a very heart-warming one. We are grateful to see that the couple stay healthy and happy, and we very much appreciate their effort in keeping our campuses clean and organised for the many years they were with us.



Simon Crisp, The Class of 1994

Simon was eager to have a look at how the school has changed after he left in 1992. He remembered the computer room was on the 1st floor next to the library, expressing astonishment at how much technology has advanced since then.

He was thrilled to send pictures of the head prefect display in the staircase to his brother, Matthew, who served in the role in 1989-90. During the visit, he spent time signing the anniversary memories book and reading Yearbooks in the archive corner in the Library.

Simon had an awesome time at South Island School, with Maths as his favourite subject together with English. He recalled Ian McKirdy was his first form teacher in SIS. What is more interesting is that he met Mr. McKirdy’s son in Scotland!

There is no doubt that SIS Alumni are all over the world. Simon told us that he met two parents at his son’s school who both were South Island alumni. What a small world!

Simon is now based in the UK working in the IT industry specialising in pricing.


Sean Carim, The Class of 2012
Alastair Leung, The Class of 2012
Ju-Kun Sia, The Class of 2011

Visiting SIS with other alumni gets you a very different experience compared to visiting alone because you get to share fond memories with your peers. Sean, Alastair and Ju-kun all had a wonderful time when they came back together during the Christmas break on 28 December 2018.

Sean now lives in Berkeley, California, USA, while Alastair is based in London and Ju-kun in Singapore.

Sean Carim (left), Alastair Leung (centre) and Ju-Kun Sia (right).

Joanna Cheng, The Class of 2015
Ming-Yu Yang, The Class of 2015

What a great start of the year for Joanna and Ming-Yu as they visited SIS in early January 2019. The pair came back to visit their IB teachers, including Debra Jones and Simone Bundy as they were very much involved in the SIS music department before both graduated in 2015.

Ming-Yu studies Materials Engineering and is applying for a PhD programme at Johns Hopkins University in the USA, and his good friend Joanna did a master’s programme in Cambridge, UK.

Joanna Cheng (left) and Ming-yu Yang of The Class of 2015.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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