24 Sep 2019

Total fundraised amount at #YouMatter Week went up!

We are proud to announce that the total amount fundraised at #YouMatter Week has actually doubled! All thanks to your donations, as well as to our students’ hard work looking for other sponsors – the total amount fundraised was not HK $4451.40 as announced last week, but $9495.40!

The #YouMatter Charity Week is a fundraising event which is part of a larger charity initiative aiming to advocate for universal educational accessibility. This year, students set up a variety of stalls in the Space which engaged with the Family Bauhinia students with the aim to raise money for Thomas House – a special educational needs school in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

We thank you all immensely for your support, and we hope to see you again next year! Please visit the website www.youmatterhk.com for more information and further updates.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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