4 Oct 2019

Support during troubled times

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The developments over the last few months in Hong Kong have been significant and also unsettling. It may be that this has caused some anxiety for your child/children. I am writing with some information that you might find helpful to support your child at this time.


Practical suggestions

The following suggestions may be helpful for you and your child.

  • Reassure your child that they are safe and are genuinely valued by the adults around them.
  • Your child will find routine comforting so keeping to a normal schedule and remaining calm will be helpful.
  • Let children know that it is alright to be upset.  All feelings are OK, but not all behaviours.
  • Emphasise resilience: Focus on your child’s many strengths and abilities which they can draw upon to cope with their feelings. Create opportunities for your child to exhibit their strengths. This can happen with books or art too.
  • Provide opportunities for physical exercise for your child. Exercise is valuable to develop natural chemicals in the brain which help us cope with feelings, such as shock.
  • Look after both yourself and your child. In times of stress, we can have less energy and there is potential for illness. It is especially important to eat and sleep well.
  • Communicate any concerns with the school.  There are many things the school can do to help further.


Active Listening

One of the most helpful ways of providing support to anyone is to be available to simply listen with empathy and without judgment. We are often busy racing around and are not always good at genuinely listening. However, actively listening usually has a positive impact on the recipient and is known to develop positive connections and relationships. The links below provide some helpful tips on active listening and the positive impact it has on others.

Active Listening. How to be a great listener

TED Talk – The Power of Listening

The Art and Value of Good Listening

Please also see below a resource produced by Geoff Wheeler @ RCHK entitled “Parenting during troubled times”



It may become apparent that your child needs some additional support from a professional counsellor. Please see the link below about the counselling provision at South Island School which was sent to you at the start of this term. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the school if you have any concerns.

We have a very experienced pastoral team at South Island and so please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s Tutor, Head of Year (Y7+Y8) or Head of House (Y9-13) should you have any concerns, questions or special circumstances of which you would like to make us aware.

I wish you and your families a peaceful October Half Term break.

Warmest wishes,
Lucie Purves
Vice Principal, South Island School

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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