4 Oct 2019

Sports Bulletin – 4 October 2019

It was another busy week at South Island as we head to mid-term break next week, kick starting the week with our A Grade’s Boys HKSSF football game against La Salle. It was a tough pool for the boys this year, and with a few key players missing on Monday, South Island won 1-0 against La Salle. Great teamwork from the boys and great defence. Good luck to the rest of your season!

The A Grade Girls also kick started their first HKSSF game this week. A Grade Girls absolutely smashed their first HKSSF game against DGS! They won 39-2. Great work from the team! Woman of the Match goes to Caitlin Donovan. Good luck to the rest of your season!

It was a busy Thursday afternoon as we had C Grade Football, A Grade Boys Football, junior girls Football and A Grade Boys basketball matches. The C Grade Boys Football played against Island school and won 8-1. Well done to the team! After a win on Monday for the A Grade Boys Football, unfortunately it was not their day as they lost to CDNIS. We hope they will keep their heads up and win the next game. The junior girls football also played against Island School and drew 2-2. It was a hard fought game and the girls played very well. Woman of the match goes to Joy Tan playing as goal keeper! Our A Grade Boys HKSSF basketball league kick started last night. They played against SKW and won 43-36. A very close game and a win is a win. Well played and good luck to your season ahead.

We also had the girls swimming team participating in the annual HKSSF Swimming Competition at Victoria Park. It’s a two-day event and the finals day will be on Thursday 10 October 2019. This is during mid-term break but you are all very welcome to come and support South Island Girls Swim Team. We have numerous finalists for the day and all relays will be raced on the day as well. It will be held at Victoria Park Swimming Pool from 8:00am.


Fixtures for the week

Unfortunately all HKSSF fixtures have been cancelled for this weekend 5-7 October due to safety reasons, so there will be no Boys and Girls Tennis or A Grade Boys Football matches.

Have a lovely break!

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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