23 Aug 2019

Sports and Activities Bulletin – 23 August 2019

This week has been about finalising our Extra Curricular Activities programme, which you should all have received a copy of by now. The sign up window opens at 4:30pm today and closes at 11:59pm on Sunday so you have all weekend to discuss with your children what activities they would like to do this term. We have an amazing range of activities, both sporting and non-sporting for your children to choose from, so please encourage them to either sign up for an activity they enjoyed last year, or to sign up for something that they have not done before to try something new. Students should sign up on VLE.

An activity that is not on the VLE but which we offer at SIS is equestrianism. This is organised by one of our parents, Yvonne Chan, and takes place outside of school at local horse riding centres. if your child(ren) is/are interested in taking part in this activity, please contact Yvonne at yvonne.chan@edenred.com for more details.

Places on activities will be allocated at random after the deadline, and you will be notified shortly of what activities your child has been allocated to. If there is a cost attached to this activity, the fees will need to be paid before the end of August. If the activity is high risk, a high risk indemnity form needs to be collected from the school office and completed, and returned before the end of August too. Failure to pay for the activity or return the necessary forms will result in your child losing their place on this activity for this term.

Attendance is mandatory in activities that students have signed up for. If a student does not attend the first session, a message will be sent home. If the student then fails to attend the second session then the student’s place will automatically be offered to the first student on the waiting list. Students not able to attend an activity session for whatever reason should inform the member of staff leading that activity in advance.

This weekend is the last opportunity for students to apply for the Stars in Sport programme. This is for those students who are competing in sports at national or international level as the idea of the programme is to give these students more support in school with managing their workload, organising their time and guidance with regards to nutrition, training and dealing with injuries. For further details on the programme and the application process, please contact me on jredding@sis.edu.hk.

The deadline for those students wishing to attend the Advanced Level Ski trip to Beidahu, China from 15-21 December 2019 is next MONDAY, 26 AUGUST. If you would like more details on the trip please contact me on jredding@sis.edu.hk as soon as possible.


I look forward to meeting some of you at the PTA Social event on Tuesday 27 August. Have a good weekend.


Jon Redding
Director of Sport and Extra Curricular

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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