8 Jul 2019

SIS Class of 2019: World-class IBDP scores, ground-breaking IBCP outcomes

Once again, South Island School students have achieved a superb crop of IB Diploma (IBDP) results – and congratulations also to the 15 students who this year became the first set of SIS graduates to achieve the IB Career-Related Programme (IBCP)!

140 SIS students have achieved the IBDP this year, a superb result from an inclusive cohort. Overall, 97% of SIS students entered achieved the Diploma, with a mean points score of 35.8. A magnificent 87% achieved 30 points or more, a score which puts them well in line with expected world averages. We are extremely proud of every single student who entered for the Diploma, with many students overcoming real challenges in order to achieve a pass grade. We are also very proud of those students who have completed IB Course certificates and SIS Diploma courses. We know that the vast majority of you have achieved your objectives, and we very much look forward to following your further achievements in the years to come.

As in previous years, large numbers of our students have substantially exceeded world averages in the IBDP. This year, 62% of SIS students have achieved 35 or more points, the highest percentage since 2016 – and an incredible 27% of our students have achieved a world class score of 40 or more points, the highest percentage achieved by any cohort during the last 7 years! Special congratulations go to Paco Chow, Joshua Kwok, Jasmine Lai, Bernice Lam and Tiffany Tsoi, who all achieved the top SIS score this year of 44 points. We look forward to celebrating the success of many of our top SIS achievers at the ESF Chairman’s Awards in early August. Press here for further statistics regarding the performance of our IBDP students.

In IBCP, our students have achieved ground-breaking results, with 94% of students achieving a pass grade in the very first year of this programme at SIS! In doing so, our first IBCP cohort achieved an average of 153 UCAS points, which beats the best ever-score for Advanced Diploma students at SIS and confirms that the move to IBCP has been a very positive one for our students. Across the IB elements of the course, 100% of our students achieved a C or above in the Reflective Project and the mean grade for IB subjects was a very positive 4.73. In the BTEC elements of the course, 83% of all students achieved a Distinction / Merit grade or above! Particular congratulations to Skyler Benton, Liz Biek and Rahul Sharma, who all achieved substantially above the SIS average.

Along with our IBDP students, our IBCP students have received numerous university offers from top-ranked institutions worldwide. The IBCP deliberately allows students to pursue specialism ahead of breadth – and it is clear that our first cohort of IBCP students are already highly specialised in their chosen fields! We are very proud of you all for helping us to pioneer this new programme at SIS.

Despite these tremendous results overall, perhaps inevitably, not every individual student is celebrating at this moment in time. If you are disappointed by your results, please get in touch with us, as we will continue to offer guidance, support and advice for as long as you need it. We know that some of you are considering the possibility of having one of more of your components re-marked; if this is the case, please get in touch with Mrs Kelly Diaz, the IBDP Coordinator, or Mr Gwillym Cornes, the IBCP Coordinator, who can advise you accordingly. Equally, if you feel you need further advice on your university or careers options, please get in touch with Ms Lauren Sharman, Mr Adam Cowling or Ms Berina Chan, our expert team of Higher Education counsellors.

This is a moment when we must all pause to celebrate being a part of such a wonderful school, where once again our students have achieved such exceptional outcomes. We thank every single member of staff who has helped each individual student to reach this stage. We also thank every parent who has helped support their children every step of the way.

And to our students – now adults and no longer children … We know that you will all continue to look after one another at this very important milestone in your lives. Whatever pathway you now go on to commence, we wish you every success and very much hope that you will keep in touch with us! Congratulations again to the Class of 2019!







Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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