14 Dec 2018

SIS Christmas Extravaganza 2018

What an appropriate way to see Term 1 off in style and to celebrate a full and successful start of the 2018-2019 academic year, the only way South Island staff know how to… Big, Bold and Collaboratively… 

With wellbeing at the forefront of SIS and ESF’s agenda it is only right that we continued our tradition of a ALL STAFF Christmas Lunch on site, on Friday, 7th Dec. .  By the end of of the evening we saw approximately 100 teaching staff and 70 support staff in the Atrium enjoying a wonderful spread catered by Chartwells and par-taking in a  variety of entertainment activities from; Table Tennis, Jenga, Photo booth, prizes draws and Bingo (Mr. Rowe made an awesome Bingo caller and even had us out of out seats and dancing). 

The staff Christmas party is a real testament to how supportive, caring and cohesive the staff are, and this year was even bigger and bolder than before…

On behalf of the SIS Staff Association I’d like to  wish all stakeholders a restful, fun filled and peaceful holiday. 

Syrita Nicholas
SIS Staff Association Chair

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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