31 Aug 2015

School Council

The school council has two committees: the Finance & Personnel (F&P) Committee, and the Learning and Personal Development (LPD) Committee. We are looking for parent recruits for the F&P Committee which, among other things, is responsible for reviewing the School’s budget and monitoring financial performance. The F&P Committee also reviews health & safety and the recruitment of teachers and support staff.

The F&P Committee meets four times a year, normally at the School at 8:05am in the morning.

If you feel you could make a contribution to the work of the Committee and would like to volunteer, please contact the Clerk to the Council, Ms. Min Mon at siscouncil@mail.sis.edu.hk

In the event of a surfeit of volunteers, the Council Chairman will select the candidate with the most appropriate experience.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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