12 Apr 2019

School Yearbook 2018-2019

Dear Parents,

As the final term of the school year is approaching, we would like to share our students’ many outstanding achievements and happy moments from the past year for the upcoming School Yearbook.

The Yearbook will be as dynamic and energetic as ever, capturing the record number of activities and events from the past school year. As usual, the book will be a hardcover edition, and will be a valuable recollection of your child’s happy and memorable times at South Island.

The price of the Yearbook will be HK$300 each. We have managed to freeze the cost for the 14th year despite the high inflation rate, mainly due to the wide circulation and generous donations from parents. As a gesture of our gratitude, the names of the donors will be acknowledged in the Yearbook itself.

We do hope that you will want to capture these memories. To do so, please place your order online at www.sis.edu.hk/product/yearbook1819-order by 3 May 2019.

In our Yearbook, we also have advertising opportunities for parents who might wish to introduce their businesses / services / products to the South Island community. Please submit your advertisement subscription request online by 18 April 2019, and submit your artworks by 23 April 2019.

We would also like to invite you make a contribution for the production of the yearbook by subscribing to our Donation Plans, Gold, Silver and Bronze by 3 May 2019.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Vignoles

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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