29 Apr 2016

PTA Parent Education Evening – 4 May 2016 (Change of Location)


Title: Mathematics@SIS
Date: 4 May 2016
Time: 7 pm (light refreshments available from 6:30 pm)
Place: 5th Floor, THE SPACE, South Island School
Speakers: Dr. Daniela VASILE (Head of Mathematics)

The aim of the evening is to help parents better understand the teaching and learning philosophy of the Department and how your children can be seen to make progress through the system. Dr. Vasile will touch on the changing worldwide view on curriculum and assessment (looking at both internal and external assessments) and cover some new developments in the years ahead at SIS.

Beyond this broad outline, we hope to shape the evening according to parent interests based on the feedback received recently.

As space is limited and registration will be on a first come first served basis, if you are interested in attending, please click here to register by 2 May 2016 so that PTA can arrange appropriate refreshment and seating.  Please note attendance is by registration only.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best Regards

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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