5 Oct 2018

PTA AGM Updates

Message from the Principal

It was great to see so many parents at the PTA AGM on Wednesday 3 October, at which parents had the opportunity to hear about highlights of the year and to meet the new Principal of SIS. Thank you, and congratulations, to those parents who were elected to the PTA Committee for 2018-2019. We very much look forward to working with you during the next twelve months.

Mr Tom Vignoles
Principal, South Island School


Message from the PTA Chair

At the time of writing this message, there is still a memory of Wednesday night’s PTA Annual General Meeting and Welcome New Principal Social. The Principal, parents and teachers came in participating and witnessing a busy evening. There were communications amongst the attendees evidencing their involvement in the Association.

Once again our new PTA Committee 2018/2019 was formed.

FUNG Karla PTA Chair
TIWANA Sandeep Kaur PTA Vice Chair
AU Amy PTA Treasurer
DSOUZA Preethi Sunil Parent Representative
GUSAIN Shilpa Parent Representative
LANCELOTTE Petra Parent Representative
MONCES Elvira G Parent Representative
SETHI Sonia Parent Representative
SIMS Julia Parent Representative
WANG Teresa Parent Representative
YU Feng Qi Parent Representative
VIGNOLES Tom Principal – School Representative
SLETHAUG Darin School Representative


While it is a very exciting time for me to have the privilege to serve you as SIS PTA Chairperson, I would like to thank those retiring members: Ms. Angela Lee (Vice Chair), Mr. Greg Kwan (Treasurer), Ms. Santvana Kansal and 3 parent members of Graduating Class 2018: Mrs. Pooja Bhagat, Ms. Alice Ng and Ms. Sarika Puri. I also need to give special thanks to 2 School Representatives at SIS PTA LTD 2017/2018: Mr. Graham Silverthorne (retired Principal) and Ms. Estelle Stringer, who has recently been appointed as the Teacher Representative at the SIS School Council. I must not forget Mrs. Annette Chapman for her tremendous support to the PTA from January to July, 2018 as the Acting Principal. The PTA would not be as good as this without these members.

Thank you to the amazing support of school leadership team at AGM, my appreciation to everyone in our caregiving community, a group of fine young men and ladies from the Prefect Team, plus 2 fantastic PTA employees Lee-Chan and Vivian, and of course the support staff at school.

Please stay tuned for the upcoming PTA event. I wish you all a very relaxing weekend.

Karla Lee

PTA 2018-19.

MaD Week (8 October – 12 October)  – School Bus Schedule

Morning (AM):

Monday, Wednesday to Friday: Schedule same as normal school days.
Tuesday: Pick up time same as Monday’s schedule (NO Tuesday morning activities bus)

After School (PM):

Monday to Thursday: Departure time same as normal school days.
Friday: Departure time same as Monday’s schedule (i.e. bus leaves at 3:30 pm – NO SCHOOL BUS departure at 1:20 pm)

There will be NO After-School Activities buses (Mon – Fri) from 8 October – 12 October 2018.

PTA Shop and PTA Office

The PTA Shop and PTA Office will be closed during term break from 15 October to 19 October 2018 (both dates inclusive). We will re-open on 22 October 2018.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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