4 Mar 2016

Parent Education Evening – Organised by the PTA

Title: Student Leadership Opportunities at South Island School – Our Values in Action
Date: 10 March 2016
Time: 7 pm (light refreshments available from 6:30 pm)
Place: The Atrium, South Island School
Speakers: Annette Chapman (Vice Principal / Director of Learning Family) and Students with a brief introduction from Graham Silverthorne (Principal)


Is it academic results alone that can get your child into a good university? What other qualities do they need to help them to equip themselves for the future?

While schools may tend to be exam result-oriented SIS has a more balanced focus. The PTA is pleased to hold a parent education evening at which the school presents to you what student leadership opportunities are open to our students and how these can help them in their personal development. This briefing will give you the information you need to discuss with your teenagers and to explore and encourage their participation

Values in Action is the term we use for all the opportunities accessible to our students to help them to become the person they want to be.  We value our academic curriculum but there are other skills that students need to develop. The opportunities open to students are numerous and vary every year. Leadership takes many forms and is a fundamental skill that we develop in our young people.

This Education Evening is also an opportunity for our students to share with you the opportunities they have had experienced and how they have developed their skills to become leaders.

If you are interested in attending, please click here to register by 3 March 2016 so that PTA can arrange appropriate refreshment and seating.

Transportation:  A bus to Causeway Bay will depart at the end of the event at a cost of $15 person (on a first come, first served basis) with the following stops: –

  1. Bus Stop (in front of ESSO Gas Station, opp. HK Tennis Centre, Wong Nei Chung Road)
  2. Bus Stop (Near to Woodland Heights, Stubbs Road Round-about)
  3. Happy Valley (Hang Seng Bank)
  4. Causeway Bay (Paterson Street, Pearl City)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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