1 Sep 2017


Date /Time /Venue: 24th Nov 2017 @17:00-22:00 @South Island School – 50, Nam Fung Road, Aberdeen, HK

To mark the 40th Anniversary of South Island School, the theme of this year’s NIGHTFEST will be “40th FEST”. This annual fund raising event is open to our community, their friends and family. This will be the 6th consecutive year we have held the fair.

Invitation is now open for: –

  • Entertainment Audition
  • Commercial Vendors at the Marketplace
  • Event Brochure Advertising

Entertainment Audition

Commercial Marketplace stalls and Advertising Sponsors
If you are interested in having a stall in the Marketplace or/and to place an advertisement in our Event Brochure, please CLICK HERE to download the application form

Information for the NIGHTFEST are also available on the school website https://www.sis.edu.hk/pta-events/  or you can also email sisptafair2017@gmail.com

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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