30 Aug 2024

Monthly Newsletter (August 2024)


Principal’s Message

Principal’s Vlog

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the August edition of our newsletter. We have had a wonderful start to the term, and our new students, particularly the Year 7s, are settling in nicely as they are getting accustomed to the school routine. 

This past Tuesday, we conducted a fire drill. These drills are crucial for ensuring everyone knows the appropriate actions to take in a real emergency. On the subject of health and safety, I kindly ask for your cooperation in following the morning and afternoon drop-off guidelines. Specifically, please refrain from dropping off directly in front of the school gate. Your support in this matter will significantly contribute to a safer campus environment, allowing students to enter and exit the school calmly and setting a positive tone for their day.

On Wednesday we welcomed Belinda Greer, the CEO of ESF, to South Island School. Her visit included visits to Year 8 and 13 classrooms, and meeting new staff and other community members. The students were very excited to have Ms Greer in their classrooms.  They shared how they were settling into the new school year and their favourite aspects of Secondary school life.  The visit was a great example of how connected we are as an organisation and the special experiences our students receive in ESF.

This week, I have particularly enjoyed participating in lessons and engaging with the students in their learning journeys. I was impressed by their ability to articulate what they are working on and the next steps they intend to take. The Year 11 students received valuable insights into the life and works of Ama Ata Aidoo, a renowned Ghanaian author, poet, playwright, politician, and academic, thanks to our visitors from the American Centre in Hong Kong. This experience will be incredibly beneficial as they begin reading her book, Anova.

I take immense pride in our students and their collective efforts to create a positive impact. In this newsletter, you will find numerous examples of their hard work and achievements, highlighting the exceptional qualities of the South Island School community. It was a pleasure to interview our Head Girls and Deputy Heads, who lead our strong 2024-25 Prefect Team. I encourage you to listen to their reflections and the valuable advice they have to offer.

Thank you for your continued support of our wonderful South Island School community.

Helen Thew
Principal of South Island School



Hi Year 7’s! The sports council will be hosting a friendly dodgeball match on 5th September during lunchtime at 12:45-1:10. It will be a great opportunity to have some fun and enjoy the game with friends. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!!!


Thank you to all students who have attended our basketball try-outs.

All of our girls teams have been established and all girls who want to play basketball should attend basketball training from the week beginning Monday 16th September onwards as follows:

U20 & U16 Team Training – Tuesday  3.15-4.30 pm

U14 & U12 Recreational & Team – Thursday 3.15-4.30 pm


Our U20 boys team has been established and will train on a Thursday lunchtime from the 19th September onwards. We had forty U16 Boys and sixty-four U14 Boys attend the first trial so will therefore need to have additional try-outs next week as follows:

Wednesday 4th September 3.15-4.30pm, U14 Boys (25 students have been selected and emailed)

Thursday 5th September 3.15-4.30pm, U16 Boys (25 students have been selected and emailed)


Our U12 boys basketball try-out will take place later in the term.  

If any boys do not get selected for the squads they can still sign up for the recreational basketball activity on a Tuesday morning.

We are looking forward to our upcoming competitive fixtures.  The U20 Boys & Girls ESF Basketball Varsity fixtures will start next week whereas our U12, U14, U16 & U20 ISSFHK Boys and Girls basketball fixtures do not start until November.


Dear Parents,

Our year 13 BTEC Business students are currently studying a unit on ‘Visual Merchandising’ in the retail sector.

They are enjoying learning about the artistic and psychological techniques used to inform buyer behaviour.

For their final assignment they are required to apply their knowledge by creating a visual merchandising display in a retail setting. This is where we need your help.

In previous years SIS parents have been very generous in providing our students access to these practical learning opportunities within their places of work.

I’ve included a few images below from students who took ownership of the Duty Free Store (DFS) in TST a few years ago.

If you feel that you are able to help these students by allowing them to dress your store / windows / displays then please contact Mr Gwillym Cornes at corneg1@webmail.sis.edu.hk

Thank you.



On Wednesday morning, we had the honour of hosting ESF CEO, Belinda Greer for a short visit.  Principal Thew guided her around our campus, showing some of the site work that was done over the summer, visiting some of our Year 8 English and Year 13 Chemistry classes. 

In Chemistry, our Year 13 students were preparing for an upcoming assessment by performing a Rally Coach activity. Working collaboratively with a partner, students tackled a range of past paper questions, using mini-white boards to visualise their thinking.

The Year 8 students were appreciating diverse perspectives by identifying and noting the differing viewpoints presented in an article they read, followed by a lively discussion about the topic using appropriate vocabulary for making comparisons and contrasts.


ESF upholds every child’s right to learn and live in conditions that protect them from harm, promoting the optimum development of their intellectual, physical, emotional and social well-being. At South Island we adhere to the ESF Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy which states that Child Protection is everyone’s responsibility; the ESF community is responsible for being preventative and proactive in all child protection matters. 

On Tuesday morning Ms Lucie Purves led a highly engaging child protection training session for all teachers. The session focused on… 

  • reminders about the school systems for reporting any child protection concerns.
  • guidance on responding to student disclosures. 
  • Scenario discussion on how to support students who might be suffering from harm.  

At South Island School protecting the health, safety, wellbeing, of all our students is our highest priority; we believe that all forms of abuse and identity-based harm* are violations of a child’s human rights and are thus detrimental to a child’s holistic development. All educators, administrators, and staff at SIS have a fundamental legal, professional, and ethical obligation to support and protect the children under our care from any form of maltreatment. ESF takes all allegations of child abuse seriously and is committed to preventing abuse in all its forms, including neglect, identity-based discrimination, verbal, physical, psychological, and sexual harm.

Child protection is a shared responsibility between all stakeholders.  By working together, we can create a safe and positive environment where every child has the best opportunity to thrive. 

If you have any concerns regarding a student’s safety or risk of harm, please do contact Ms Lucie Purves.  

*Identity-based Harm: Hurt caused by behaviour targeted at our identities – our race, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, ability, citizenship status, documentation status, religion, etc. (Emerson College, 2024)


(3) YEAR 12 IBCP

Year 12 IBCP students begin their Personal and Professional Skills course with team building activities (Spaghetti Tower, Hedbanz and Zoom) designed to engage critical thinking skills, such as problem solving, team building and collaboration, as well as questioning and abstract thinking.



To kick off the IB Design Technology course year 12 students were challenged to build the tallest tower from marshmallows and spaghetti. Each student received 10 marshmallows and 20 pieces of spaghetti, students found creative ways to use the resources to reach for the skies.  Some students decided to cut up the marshmallows and spaghetti so that pieces were smaller and the structure more stable, triangulation was a very popular strategy too. The winner was Darren Leung in 12S1 who reached a record height of 82cm, it was a sight to behold!  


This year, we welcomed back Tino and Dorcas from the Africa Center Hong Kong to work with our Y11 students. This term, students are studying the play “Anowa” by Ghanaian playwright Ama Ata Aidoo, and the team from the Africa Center led our students through a whistlestop tour of Ghana’s history, culture, religion, and the impacts of colonialism. It was wonderful to see the students engaged in learning about the background of Ama Ata Aidoo and the themes and characters in her play “Anowa”. 

Our Y11s even tried the traditional game of Ampe, where you have to clap, jump and then stick out your leg, hoping to guess which leg your opponent will stick out. It’s like a more energetic Rock, Paper, Scissor! 

Tino also took time to share the background of the Africa Center, which was very moving for the students, and the work that it does in Hong Kong. For more information about the work they are doing, please look at their website: https://www.africacenterhk.com/


This month, Year 7, 8, and 9 held individual assemblies to welcome students back to school. The theme centred around settling in, fostering a sense of belonging for Year 7 students, and highlighting the importance of being positive role models.

We were thrilled to see this spirit during our Year 7 and New Student Induction Day, where many students volunteered to help newcomers feel welcome, even arriving a day early. Year 8 and 9 students acted as buddies for the new Year 8 and 9 students, and a dedicated team of Year 8s assisted with the Year 7 Induction Day.

The Year 8 Space prefect team have made an excellent start to their duties this term. I have literally never seen the Space so well organised and sorted, so well done prefects. The team is enthusiastic, creative and most important of all reliable. here are three of our 49 prefects Chloe, Mia and Alexis

It’s wonderful to see Year 7 students beginning to settle into SIS. Over the weeks, we’ve noticed fewer Year 7s wandering the halls after breaks, as they become more familiar with navigating the school.

We recently completed our Chinese Language Placement Test, which will help place students in the appropriate pathway, ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed.

Year 8 students have adapted very well to the new device policy and have been busy making the most of the social time with their friends. Certainly, more sports and games are being played. Look out for the lunchtime clubs that are coming soon.

Here is an image of Gregory and Charlie making the most of a breaktime where they can jam together.

Last week, we held our first Year 9 Inter-House event, where Kuca secured a victory in Bench Ball. We look forward to the Year 8 Inter-House Bench Ball at the end of this week, and we commend all participants for their excellent sportsmanship throughout the competition.

Additionally, a significant number of our FB students participated in Sports Team tryouts this month. Congratulations to those selected, and a big thank you to everyone who took part!

Ms Syrita Nicholas 



As we start the new academic year, it brings me pleasure to congratulate our outgoing Year 11 students on their outstanding I/GCSE results! Their hard work and dedication truly paid off, setting a high standard for the year ahead.

This time marks a pivotal moment for our current Year 11 students as they begin to contemplate the preparation for examinations that await them in the two terms ahead. Simultaneously, our Year 10 students are gearing up for the start of their options courses and the transition into a new phase of their learning.

Introducing a new dimension to our curriculum this year is the revamped enrichment program. This scheduled session, occurring once a fortnight, will delve into topics such as work, study and career exploration for our Year 11 students, and transition into the IGCSE phase for our Year 10 cohort.

This updated curriculum aims not only to provide a platform for skill development but also to nurture the qualities of successful learners. Both, essential elements for navigating through this academic phase successfully.

During our welcome assembly, we drew parallels between the dedication, resilience, and attributes required to be an Olympian and the academic journey of our students. We highlighted exceptional athletes who triumphed despite setbacks, showcasing the power of perseverance and determination. This message intended to inspire our Year 10 and 11 students to emulate such resilience and strive for their personal best this year.

I look forward to collaborating with you all over the course of the upcoming two years.


Ms Laura Beaumont



As I begin my third year at South Island School, every day I am reminded of why I am tremendously privileged to serve as the Head of the Senior Phase. For me, the academic year began the week before school started with the opportunity to celebrate with members of the Class of 2024 at the ESF Chairman’s Awards. It was fantastic to be able to acknowledge our academic successes as well as flourishing in other areas like service, sport, leadership, and embodying the spirit and values of the school. We were proud to see Marcus Lau highlighted as the closing speaker and alumni Kevin Pereira give the keynote address. 

On 14 August, we welcomed our new Year 12 students to the Senior School. During the induction, students had the chance to learn about all the new opportunities available to them, as well as their new responsibilities and the variety of support we offer to help them get through these two challenging years. It has been fantastic to see the new Year 12s begin their leadership roles around the school as house captains and in other extra-curricular activities. 

The Year 13s have come back with renewed enthusiasm after their summer break. For DP students, the final year of their programme started with submitting the drafts of their Extended Essay. Over the next few weeks, they will be receiving feedback from their supervisors in preparation for the final submissions. Students also very successfully presented their TOK Exhibitions to other classes and will soon be starting their TOK Essays. For all students, weekly Higher Education workshops have begun as students approach that critical point in their lives where they need to choose what institutions and programmes they want to pursue in the future. Over the next few weeks, HE counsellors will be meeting one-on-one with students interested in applying to the United Kingdom and the PCC with Predicted Grades for HE applications will be released around 20 September.

Mr Hin-Hey Lam

Student Celebration

(1) Chantelle Ip (09K1), Kiana Lin (10C1), Lois Lui (10N2) & Adelaide Williamson (10N2) -2024 HK Netball U16 Regional Academy Squad

Congratulations to Chantelle, Kiana, Lois and Adelaide on their recent selection to 2024 HK Netball U16 Regional Academy Squad.

This opportunity allows them to train with other top netballers in HK and further develop their netball skills and experience.





Congratulations to Alyssa Hayward 13N1 who, after an intense 4 week rehearsal schedule, finished performing in the Cinderella ballet at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Alyssa had one of the leading roles, dancing as Fedora, one of the ugly sisters.



Congratulations to Giselle Li (12N2) and Philip Leung (12B1) for officially becoming a member of Hong Kong’s Tennis U16 Team. During the summer vacation, they went to Jiangxi Wuing and Fujian Quanzhoufor 2 weeks representing Hong Kong in competitions against teams from Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou and other cities. The China Tennis Association and local authorities provided excellent hospitality and support. We are confident that Giselle and Philip will continue to work diligently and aim for even better results. Additionally, it’s worth noting that China won its first-ever Gold medal in tennis at the Olympics. Bravo!


In April, Hilary achieved Gold Rank 1 in the Contemporary Solo (Age 17 & Under) category at the Hong Kong Kangaroo Cup Dance Competition 2024, which qualified her to represent Hong Kong at the 26th Asia Pacific Dance Competition 2024 (APDC 2024), taking place from August 21 to 25 in Thailand. All contestants are top winners from their respective countries, including Thailand, Australia, Singapore, China, Malaysia, India, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Hong Kong.

We are excited to share that Hilary has won the 3rd place and Honourable Mention in the dance categories of Contemporary Solo (13-15 years) and Contemporary Troupe (Open Age) at APDC.



Lucas and Xavier participated in a charity event organised by the Bless Vision Foundation, working as a team to visit refugee families in the Sham Shui Po and Tai Kok Tsui districts. Refugee families in Hong Kong encounter numerous challenges, including issues related to lifestyle, culture, employment, education for their children, and their sense of identity and value. Many reside in small subdivided flats with inadequate living conditions. Each team brought food and essential supplies like rice and diapers, and walked many flights of stairs to reach the families’ homes.

During their visit, they greeted the families, introduced themselves, and engaged in friendly conversations to show their support and care. The refugee families shared that they have few friends in Hong Kong and are grateful for the visits from volunteers. The visit proved to be meaningful. Although the assistance provided was modest, it was heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of the refugee families, especially the children. We hope to offer support to those in need again in the future whenever possible.


The ISSFHK friendly match for the U20 Girls Volleyball Team took place on Wednesday, August 28th. The team played against SAIS and YCIS, winning both matches 2-0. One of the main changes that helped the team was understanding and reorganising the formation and strategically changing the substitutions. The formation changes allowed the team to better understand who was responsible for each area and how to utilise the three passes effectively.

 In the first match against SAIS, the starting six made a few minor errors (such as receiving, serving, and net touches) that caused the team to fall behind for the first 10 points. They eventually recovered as the game progressed and caught up in score. Julienne Chong, the setter, did a great job adjusting her positioning. The team won with scores of 25-18 and 25-9.

The substitutions boosted the team’s confidence; players unfamiliar with certain areas or skills gained experience playing different roles, ensuring our team was more well-rounded and players could learn how to play to their strengths. 

In the second match, the team started strong and maintained the lead for the first set. They also made sure that every player who came in had a chance to play a significant role. Serves from Esther Au Yeung, Shina Tamaki, Rosie Kao, and Estella Wen were strong and consistent, helping the team achieve multiple aces. In set two, although the other team gained a 5-point advantage midway, Jimin Hur and Rosie Kao’s first passes ensured solid plays, resulting in good sets from setter Julienne. This cooperation was crucial to the team’s comeback and eventual win (25-19, 25-22).

In conclusion, the U20 girls did a great job in this friendly match. The goals for the next game include improving the first passes (there are many great hitters on the team), ensuring everyone understands the formation and coverage, and increasing the number and quality of blocking efforts. Tactics to be maintained include constant substitutions, effective communication (which was excellent towards the end of the game), and a positive mentality.

Kudos to the U20 girls again for doing such a fantastic job!

Estella Wen 11K2



Linked below are this month’s weekly newsletters:




  • SEP 6 Interhouse – Handball & Volleyball Y11 
  • SEP 13 Interhouse – Water polo & handball Y10
  • SEP 16 First Day of Activities (Activities Bus begin)
  • SEP 18 The day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (Public Holiday)
  • SEP 20 Interhouse – Dodgeball Y7
  • SEP 27 Interhouse – Football & netball Y9
  • SEP 28 AYP Day Walk Y10 & 12


  • OCT 1  National Day
  • OCT 4  Interhouse – Football & Netball Y8 
  • OCT 11  Chung Yeung Festival 
  • OCT 18  Interhouse – Benchball Y7

Please access the latest school calendar HERE and the 2024-2025 Calendar HERE

If your child has a particular highlight or achievement you would like to share with the community, please email a short description and photo to ebulletin@sis.edu.hk

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