22 Mar 2019

Message from the Principal – Head Prefect Team

Two weeks ago I wrote to announce the new staff Leadership Team for 2019-2020 – and it is now my great pleasure to announce the new student Leadership Team, who will shortly take over from the existing Head Prefect Team.

It is a measure of how strong student leadership is at South Island School that such a large number of Year 12 students wished to put themselves forward for the role of prefect. This necessitated a very thorough and rigorous selection process – at the end of which we had to make some very tough decisions regarding the team of eight who will lead the school for the next three terms. Our congratulations now go to the new Head Prefect Team:

Head Girl and Head Boy:        Vereta Gour, Nicholas Ng

Deputy Heads (Bauhinia):       Matteo Marchi, Jessica Rowe

Deputy Heads:                        Karina Au, Matteo Avitabile, Andre Ho, Nell Zarrella 

The specific roles for all Deputy Heads will be finalised within the next two weeks.

It is also notable how many exceptional students we were unable to include within the head team, owing purely to a lack of space! However, fortunately, there are many other student leadership positions at South Island School, including leadership of our Student Council, MaD Council, Sustainability Council and Digital Leaders. We are blessed to have so many very strong candidates waiting in the wings to take up these roles as well in due course. 

It is once again a great privilege for me to lead a school where student leadership regularly makes such a difference to the community. We will have the opportunity to thank our existing team in approximately three weeks’ time, when they formally hand over. I am sure you will join me in thanking them for their year’s work when the time comes!

Vereta Gour, Head Girl

Nicholas Ng, Head Boy

Matteo Marchi, Deputy Head (Buhinia)

Jessica Rowe, Deputy Head (Bauhinia)

Karina Au (Deputy Head)

Matteo Avitabile, Deputy Head (Bauhinia)

Andre Ho, Deputy Head

Nell Zarrella, Deputy Head

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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