12 Oct 2018

Message from the Principal

As the first half of term draws to a close, this is a moment when I am able to pause and reflect on my time here so far. I knew from the moment I set foot here that South Island School is a very special place, whose staff and students work tirelessly and professionally together to achieve great things – and everything I have seen in my time here so far has confirmed this first impression. I want to thank you all for the welcome you have given me on my arrival, which has been very much appreciated.

There have been so many highlights to my time here already that it is impossible to list them all here – but at this moment in time, the highlight is of course MaD Week, which is now finally drawing to a close. To undertake so many ambitious trips, events and activities in a single week is mad indeed, yet SIS pulls it off, every year! I would like to take this opportunity to record our tremendous thanks to our Director of Systems, Mr Darin Slethaug, and to our Trips Administrator, Ms Yokee Kwan for their truly exceptional work in coordinating MaD Week, as well as to every member of staff who has led a trip or activity this week. Thank you also to the student-led MaD Council for their very considerable planning and input, and thank you to each and every student for their work to make a very real difference to communities all around our region or even further afield.

Finally, thank you to our parents for trusting us with your children this week! We wish everyone safe travel home and we look forward to hearing everyone’s stories and achievements in the second half of term. In the meantime, now is the time for rest and relaxation, and we are sure that all of our students will enjoy their very well-earned breaks next week.

With best wishes,

Mr Tom Vignoles
Principal, South Island School

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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