23 Jan 2020

Message from the Principal

If last half of term was the marathon, the three weeks we have just spent at SIS in January have definitely been the sprint hurdles! It is incredible how much work our students and staff have crammed into such a short space of time, and the energy and enthusiasm with which everyone has thrown themselves wholeheartedly into their studies has been highly impressive. It is clear that all members of the community are determined to fully make up for any time lost last term, and everyone is in very good spirits as we head into the Chinese New Year break.

Today, we also enjoyed a very special CNY Assembly. This was led very ably, as ever, by our students, and facilitated excellently by our Chinese Department. As the year of the pig closes, and the year of the rat commences, and at this challenging time in international history, we must continue to celebrate the wonderfully diverse range of cultures and perspectives at SIS. May the year of the rat be the start of a new, positive cycle in our lives, and may it prove to be a year of wisdom and prosperity.

Kung Hay Fat Choi! Xin Nian Kuai Le!

恭喜發財! 新年快乐!

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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