5 Feb 2018

Message from The 2018 International Evening Head Team

On the 26th of January, South Island opened its doors to students, teachers and parents to celebrate diversity and culture. International Evening was a huge success and over $32,000 was raised!!! These proceeds are going to ADAHK (Arts with the Disabled Association of Hong Kong); an organisation which seeks to promote equal artistic opportunities for people with disabilities and advocate for an inclusive society through the arts.

The show featured many talented performances from different cultural backgrounds including Japanese/American/Chinese songs, Korean dance, French poetry, Irish song and dance to name but a few. Alongside this, delicious food was served, most of which was generously donated by parents. In addition, ADAHK gave performances which blew everyone away; their one of a kind wheelchair dance and wonderful band performance was met with thunderous applause. It was certainly a night to remember!

The 2018 Head Team would like to extend their utmost gratitude to all those who have been involved in organising International Evening from the school staff, performers, parents, the charity, and student volunteers- such an event would not have been pulled off if it weren’t for you all. Thank you to everyone who came and showed their support, and we hope to see you next year at International Evening 2019!!

The 2018 International Evening Head Team

Bryan, Josh, Tiffany, Valerie, Xiao-Ke

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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