24 Mar 2017

MaD Activities

Namas House Dress Casual 17/3/17

Many thanks to all students who dressed as Superheroes and contributed to Children’s Heart Foundation, the local HK charity supported by Namas House. $8531.70 was raised for the cause last Friday. Sponge the Teacher and a Bake Sale were also held during Namas MaD week to raise funds for Children’s Heart Foundation and Feeding Hong Kong.

There will be one final whole school Dress Casual on the last day of term (March 31st) in support of our Jumpstart kindergarten in Bacolod, Philippines. Thanks to the Music Dept’s generous contribution from their Winter Concert, and previous end of term Dress Casual days, we have reached $35,000 of our annual donation of $60,000 for our kindergarten so far this year. Next term, the student MaD Council will be working to raise the remainder of the funds that are usually donated in June.

Tung Koon School Year 6 English interview practice

Our thanks and congratulations go to the 30+ students in Y10-Y12 who travelled to Sheung Shui over the last 3 Friday afternoons to support Year 6 students at Tung Koon School as they prepared for their secondary school admissions interviews. The school, with whom we have had a MaD week link for a number of years, were very grateful for the support of our students who helped them practise their comprehension skills, and gave feedback on mock interviews for the students.

Y11 applications for Head teams of student led events and initiatives

Following on from last year, a consolidated set of 2 information booklets have been sent out to all current Year 11s to make them aware of the all many opportunities available to be part of leadership teams for student-led events and initiatives next year. We warmly invite students to make the most of these opportunities as they move into the Senior School, and to consider applying to be part of all the fantastic student led events and initiatives that are on offer at SIS. Details of applications are in the booklets, and information sessions are being run by each Head team before the end of term at breaks and lunchtimes.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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