15 Mar 2018

Join us @The Innovation 2018

The Innovation 2018 will be held on 17th of March. This is an annual non-profit charity fashion show planned, organised and realised entirely by the students of South Island School. This year will mark our 11th anniversary!

The theme chosen for the 2018 show is “IDENTITY”. At the wake of a new chapter of our show, we will explore our liberties and redefine the framework that shaped who we are today; we want for the show to embody such a journey of rediscovery and regeneration. We will be continuing our support of the Changing Young Lives Foundation which puts youth at its focus, and encourages them to realise their full potential.

This Innovation XI is the fruit of over 12 months worth of effort put together by a core team of 24, and an extended body of over 70 young people across Hong Kong, who have decided that they wanted to make a positive impact to not only themselves, but the greater community. We will be representing all aspects of creativity at South Island: a gallery of work produced by our Textiles and Design departments; fashion lines materialised by selected student designers; talented models who embody the essence of diversity and positivity; films produced entirely by our video team; and performances by vocalists, bands, and dancers.

The show will also feature sponsored clothing lines and goodie items from Topshop Topman, MEMEBOX, Cheap Monday, SOMEWHERE NOWHERE, Global Collectibles, The Peninsula, and more! Alpha and Beta ticket holders will also receive complimentary gift bags, in addition to catering and wine kindly provided by Sole Mio- one of Hong Kong’s most respected Italian restaurants.Tickets can be purchased every day in front of The Atrium, as well as at the door − though please keep in mind that set prices may rise on the night! You may also reserve your tickets in advance using our form (for payment before the 16th): https://goo.gl/forms/oRnOkDXz74Y2u3kw2

Last year, we were able to raise over HKD$90,000 for the Changing Young Lives Foundation, which had went on to support 8000 underprivileged children in Hong Kong through the provision of academic and creative programs.

More information can also be found on our social media pages at @theinnovation (Instagram) and @the.innovation (Facebook)! I hope that we will see you and your loved ones there.

Shannon Hui

Head Organiser 


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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