Issue No. 3 (24 September 2021)

23 Sep 2021

Year 7 Visual Art – Puppy Project

Year 7 students have had an exciting start to their artistic journey at SIS. Our statement of inquiry for our first unit is “An audience’s understanding of difference and inclusion can change over time”. 

Students’ initial investigation has been into the work of the American artist Jeff Koons and his giant puppy sculptures. We have been discussing the impact of his work on the world and how an audience’s understanding of artwork can change over time. 

Students have created their own ‘puppy sculptures’ using balloons in a similar style to Jeff Koons. The lessons have been fun, lively and we have seen some fantastic outcomes, along with a few squeals and jumps when balloons may have popped! 

The students then progressed onto producing some very careful observational pencil drawings, which will later develop into three-dimensional puppy sculptures where we will also make connections to Hong Kong Dog Rescue as part of the service-learning element of the unit.

23 Sep 2021

Year 12 Visual Arts

The first part of the DP Visual Arts course involves students engaging in various media workshops to extend their exposure to media, skills, artists, and concepts. This year our drawing workshop focused on portraiture where students were asked to use media, lighting, and composition to enhance the emotive qualities of the selected image. 

These works by Masayo Machi, Lara Brown, Kiki Ko, Kotoha Tanaka, and Charlene Lam represent a selection of the amazing skills from this year’s cohort. We can’t wait to see what these young artists produce for their DP Exhibition in March 2023!

23 Sep 2021

Digital Leadership Council Update

Students from the Digital Leadership Council (DLC) have had a very busy start to the term. On Tuesday the 21st of September, Chloe Jazzy Lau (13B1), Anakin Wan (13C2), Ryan Mak (13S2), Mihika Khandelwal (13B2) and Amaanat Rekhi (10N2) led the third Laptop Induction of the term, this time providing laptop tips and Cyber Safety support to new students in Years 8 and 9. Earlier this term, the DLC offered the same advice to Year 7 students and parents.

We are also delighted to announce that Coding Club returned last Thursday evening! This student-led club is supported by ‘Build Something Different’ (BSD) with Kristy Poon (12N2) offering younger students support in developing skills in a number of coding languages. The activity Tech Connect runs at the same time and is also student-led but this time involving AI technologies and useful apps to support student learning. This activity is led by Amaanat Rekhi (10N2).  

23 Sep 2021

First HKAYP Bronze Level Hike

Last weekend 80 of our Bronze Level HKAYP students undertook their first 15km hike along sections of the Hong Kong Trail and in Sai Kung Country park. It was a very hot day, but all of the students overcame the challenge and successfully completed their planned routes. Along the way, we saw lots of wildlife including sunbathing lizards, baby boars, and cows. It is really great to see our SIS students back to completing activities outside of the classroom again! The next Bronze Level HKAYP expedition will take place on 12th & 13th November.

17 Sep 2021


Congratulations to Bethia Kwok (Class of 2021) for her Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) awarded by The Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung. This education initiative is conducted by the HKSES Secretariat and is now in its seventh year. The selection process is rigorous and involves three steps: an initial review, shortlisting, and a final interview round. Candidates are evaluated both on their academic performance and non-academic achievements such as leadership and community involvement. They receive an award towards their college tuition, as well as a number of other benefits.

Bethia, who is now studying Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology at the University of California, Los Angeles, had this to say:

“I am deeply honoured and grateful to have received the HKSES award and I would like to thank the South Island community, who’s kindness and dedication to student’s well-being and flourishing has helped me become the person I am today. In particular, I wish to express my gratitude to my tutor, Ms. Stanton, and all the wonderful teachers and staff I have been so privileged to learn from and work with, thank you so much for your hard work, wisdom and guidance these past 7 years. This award is a testament to a journey of highs, lows, reflection, and growth, one which I am excited to continue in this new season of life. I eagerly look forward to returning to visit South Island and to make my contributions to the vibrant city I grew up in!”

17 Sep 2021

Violin Solo – Distinction

Well done to Destiny Leung (11N1) who achieved a Distinction level in the AT exam (diploma level) in violin solo with Trinity College London. Destiny has spent the last two years preparing for the exam and had to complete much of the preparation and studio recordings by virtual means, due to the restrictions Hong Kong has been placed under as a result of COVID-19. Amazing job Destiny!

17 Sep 2021

Former Student – Laura Grant’s Video

Many of our community will remember Laura Grant, one of our former students and graduates from the Class of 2011. She recently completed the video below, which aired on British television and she has this to say, 

“When The Pokémon Company reached out to my company looking to make an emotional trailer, I knew immediately I wanted to be involved!

I jumped into the project from the very beginning – I worked with my Creative Director and co-wrote the script, worked on a rough animatic storyboard, chose the music (yes, we picked the song right at the very beginning!) and presented several ideas back to Pokémon. Luckily, my favourite one was chosen.

Once the concept was picked, I worked with my team to choose the right director for the project, cast the trailer and sign off the locations for the shoot. Once we were on set for the 3 day shoot, I got to have a lot of creative input, from signing off room designs and shots to making suggestions about performance. Afterwards, I worked very closely with our editor, animators and motion graphics designers to put the piece together.

And throughout the whole project, I was able to provide and sign off Pokémon details and knowledge – from working with the art team to add subtle touches of Pokémon themed décor around the house, to my very first suggestion that we should use Squirtle!”

17 Sep 2021

Bronze Medal – Rowing

Congratulations to Hailey Tang (9B2) on winning the bronze medal in the Shing Mun River Regatta III Women’s Junior W2x organized by the Hong Kong, China Rowing Association on August 8th. Hailey and her teammate won their heat to advance to the final, finishing third in this 1000m course race.

17 Sep 2021

Fine Art Asia – Sovereign Art Foundation

Congratulations to Tia Carrett (Year 13, 2021) who has recently had her DP artwork ‘Dear Love, Passivity is no More’ shortlisted by the Judges of the Sovereign Art Foundation Students Prize, Hong Kong. Tia’s work will be displayed from 8-11 October; Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. 

The Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) Students Prizes are annual awards that celebrate the importance of art in the education system and recognise the quality of artworks produced by secondary-school students across the world. The first Students Prize was established in 2012 in Hong Kong, followed by additional Students Prizes in Bahrain, Gibraltar, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, London,  Malta, Mauritius, Portugal and Singapore.

You can watch a short video of Tia discussing her DP Exhibition works in the link below:

You can watch a short video of Tia discussing her DP Exhibition works, below: 

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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