Issue No. 16 (14 May 2021)

7 May 2021

HKAS English Writing Competition Winners

A massive congratulations to our Hong Kong Art Symposium English Competition winners! Many of our students topped the contest:

  • Jasmin Miers, Year 8, 1st place in the writing for ages 5-12
  • Hailey Tang, Year 8, 2nd place in the writing for ages 5-12
  • Camille Phieu-Parisot, Year 7, 4th place in the writing ages 5-12
  • Michelle Lee, Year 7, 5th place in the writing ages 5-12
  • Lily Mengual, Year 11, placed sixth in the writing age 13-18

We are sure we’ll have many more of your names and faces in the English Competition Hall of Fame soon! We will hear back from the Good People, Good Deeds competition next month.

Finally a big thank you to SIS teachers Ms. Kade and Ms. Redman for submitting their work to HKAS. Click on this link HERE to see the winners’ work from ages 5-12 and HERE for ages 13-18

6 May 2021

HKYW Awards 2021 Winners

Congratulations to our first two shortlisted English Competitions winners in the Hong Kong Young Writers Awards 2021 Shortlist and Awards Ceremony: 

  • Kavinda De Alwis, – Year 12 for Fiction
  • Annika Li – Year 8 for Poetry
6 May 2021

Congratulations To Ashna

Ashna Ganguly, Year 10, received the Certificate of Achievement for her best mission concept for the NASA Space Apps Challenge and a Certificate of Merit for her Advanced Maths and Computer Science. Well done Ashna!

6 May 2021

Tennis Success – Christian Wong

On Sunday 9th May, Christian Wong (10C2) and his doubles partner, played in the prudential president’s cup final for tennis doubles. It was a fantastic achievement to make the finals. Congratulations Christian – you had an outstanding competition run. Christian will be the vice-captain of the SIS tennis team for boys in 2021-22.

6 May 2021

BOB: Battle of the Books 2021

A big well done to the Battle of the Books team! We came second in last Thursday’s semi-final, very close to French International School with just 7 points short. Let’s keep the reading spirit and triumph next year!

Our awesome team players were: Max Miller, Ian Hioe, Darren Pun, Natalie Sylvester, Michelle Lee, Vanessa Lok, Ikram Brar, Zoe Jan, and Aiden Teng.

Mid-May will be the time to sign up for next year. We can definitely build on this success and see even greater things.

Many thanks again to Ms. Kade, Ms. Ow, Valerie Shiu, Cameron Kyme, and Kelly Chu for supporting the ‘BOB-ers’. Final special thanks to Ms. Kyu for managing the technical side.

4 May 2021

HKAYP Bronze Student Presentations

On Friday 7th May, 84 Year 10 HKAYP Bronze award students presented their experiences of HKAYP to staff and set up a fantastic exhibit in the Atrium to promote AYP to other students. As usual, the student’s display boards were produced to the highest quality and were full of stories and exciting reflections about the things the students experienced along their AYP journeys. 

4 May 2021

New Table Tennis Tables 

Year 7 and 8 (plus Y13’s waiting for their exams to start) were very excited this week to discover the new table tennis tables in the Space. All the students would like to shout out a huge ‘Thank you’ to the SIS PTA for their extremely kind and thoughtful donations to improve our breaktimes.

4 May 2021

Year 10 – Respectful Relationships

In the Pastoral Learning Curriculum, Year 10 students are currently working through a unit on ‘Respectful Relationships’. This week, the focus was to come up with a recipe for a respectful relationship. 10N2 in their brilliance, came up with these creative recipes! Well done to them. Click on the image below to view their work.


4 May 2021

DLC – Tech Connect

Amaanat Rekhi (9N2) has initiated a technology-based club for students in years 7-9, which takes place each Tuesday afternoon via Zoom and is supported by Digital Literacy Coordinator, Iain Williamson. This week, Amaanat taught students how to use GauGan, a very useful tool for a range of subject areas including, geography, design, art, and media. She also taught students some of the theory, which underpins the programme, including the importance of artificial intelligence.   

Amaanat will teach a new tool each week and there are still places available for students to join. This is an excellent opportunity for students to improve their technology and digital literacy skills. The activity will run until the end of this term.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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