9 Dec 2016

Holiday Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of South Island,

Here we are, a few days away from Christmas, at the end of a journey that started in the heat of August!

It has been a fabulous Term at SIS – I think one of the very best that I can remember. The School is a happy and endlessly busy community and although I can see (and feel) signs of weariness now, it is so lovely to see that there are still smiles on nearly every face and still plans being made for today’s dance competition, this afternoon’s basketball finals and Tuesday’s final assembly. It really never stops here and we are fueled by the energy of your children and the passion of their teachers.

Following some Media interest this week, I have received one or two questions about our astroturf. There isn’t very much I can tell you on this other than that ESF asked us to close the facility last Friday whilst some safety tests are being carried out and evaluated. With Christmas so close, this seemed like a very sensible precautionary response for all ESF schools. I understand that we will have expert opinion available by the end of the year or the start of January and I will update you when I know any more details.

Coming to work at South Island is a pleasure every day. I feel an enormous sense of privilege interacting with our student body and as tired as we get sometimes and as much as we are looking forward to our vacation, none of us ever forget that we would struggle to find a more inspiring school environment, anywhere else in the world.

I would like to thank our wonderful PTA for all of their contributions this Term and I would like to pay tribute to our School Council, our Student Council and our MaD Council for the leadership that they have provided. Separately and together, all of these groups continue to make a difference.

My warmest best wishes for a peaceful and happy Christmas and may health, happiness and prosperity be with your families in 2017.

Graham Silverthorne


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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