23 Jan 2020

HKAYP Silver Expedition – Lantau Island

January 16th-18th, 2020

35 Students and 9 Staff were involved in the HKAYP practice expedition to Lantau last weekend. We were lucky to have good weather and the students performed well in all the challenges they faced. On Thursday and Friday they walked challenging routes which tested their map-reading, teamwork and endurance skills. There were overnight camps at Ngong Ping after which all students climbed HK’s second highest peak Lantau (934m..just short of 1km high!) then one group headed over Sunset Peak too (869m) to camp at Nan Shan. Much of this involved students hiking by themselves with staff supervision at a distance. On the last day all students hiked round the Chi Ma Wan Peninsula and completed various challenges enroute. This included First Aid Compass Work and Team Building activities. Most groups completed between 45 to 55 km over the weekend. On Friday we were joined by two Bronze students who were on a catch up camp and they integrated well too.

HKAYP Bronze and Silver Awards

Congratulations to the following on recently completing their Bronze or Silver Awards. These will be recognised in school at a presentation to the students on 4th February.


  1. Amos Ching
  2. Anakin Wan
  3. Andrea Lee
  4. Dawn Chan
  5. Grace Timpany
  6. Hugo Lee
  7. Hugo Yu
  8. Jasmin Edwards
  9. Jasmine Lo
  10.  Madeline Kwan
  11.  Maya Bragge
  12.  Naomi Teng
  13.  Salvador Boon
  14.  Sophie Poulton
  15.  Yin Sing Ng
  16.  Yue Ryeo Hong


  1. Dicky Lim
  2. Jeffery Hau
  3. Richard Rhoads


Next HKAYP Expeditions

Just a reminder that we have two big AYP Expeditions on the 7th-8th Feb – that’s our first week-end back:

  1. BRONZE ASSESSMENT (All Day) – Fri 7th and Sat 8th Feb, Year 10 Students,
  2. SILVER PRACTICE (Rescheduled) – Fri 7th (1.45pm) and Sat 8th, Year 12 Students (All Day)

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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