29 Nov 2018

Family Bauhinia Newsletter (November 2018)

Family Bauhinia’s latest newsletter is available to read now.  Find out the latest news and upcoming events on Volume 7, Issue 4.

>  Message from the Vice Principal
>  Message from Head of Year 7
>  Message from Head of Year 8
Celebrating Student Achievements
Family Bauhinia Achievements
Curriculum Updates
Annie Jr (Whole School Musical)
Inter-house – Year 7 Football (30 November)
After School Activities (Term 2)
>  Influenza Vaccine Reminder (4 December)
>  Upcoming Reporting and Information Sessions
>  Last Day of Term 1 Arrangements (14 December)
>  Year 6 Visits to SIS (15-18 January 2019)
>  Birthdays – Happy Birthday November Babies!
>  Important Dates For Your Diary


Message from the Vice Principal

Dear Bauhinia Parents,

We made it!  The first term of 2018-19 is coming quickly to the end and we are already looking forward to Term 2!  There will be no slowing down in the last couple of weeks so please make a note of the below details of what is coming up for the remainder of December and the first couple of weeks in January for Family Bauhinia.

As the weather is getting cooler, we have had a few questions from parents regarding uniform.  We very much appreciate your support ensuring your children come to school in appropriate school uniform.  Please find the link to school uniform in the parent handbook here.  As a reminder, the classrooms are heated so children will be comfortable during lessons.  Coming to school and going home, students may wear warmer jackets, but they must take them off in the building and store them in their lockers.  We have added a warmer hoodie as requested by the Student Council so we are hopeful that the uniform provided in the PTA office will suffice. As always, please ask if you are unsure.

It is also at this time we say goodbye to some of our Family members as they continue their education elsewhere.  We are sad to see them go but are confident they will take with them the enthusiasm and love of learning they displayed at South Island School.  

  • Jasmine PUELS (7B1)
  • Vegas PUELS (7B2)
  • Aidan ABDUL JALIL (7C1)
  • Tian Tian MA (7C2)
  • Felix MACDONALD (8N1)
  • Issey MACDONALD (8N2)

We also welcome new students to Family Bauhinia – welcome:

  • Anusha Oak (8B2) – 3 December 2018
  • Dana Mak (8K2) – 7 January 2019

As this will be the last newsletter until after the holidays, we hope you and your family have a fantastic holiday – happy and safe – and return all ready for the start of Term 2 on 7 January 2019!


Carolyn Andrews
Vice Principal
MYP Coordinator

Message from Head of Year 7

The Year 7 students have had a wonderful start with the use of their laptops.  Teachers have reported that Y7 students have been using their laptops responsibly. The students have also demonstrated skills and confidence using their computers effectively to support their learning.

Coming to the end of a long term, it has been most encouraging to see the number of positive comments coming through from the Year 7 class teachers recognising their efforts and achievements.

The Year 7 students had a most impressive first athletics day.  I was extremely proud to see their contributions and enthusiasm to support their peers and their Houses too.  I particularly enjoyed the Year 7 tug of war, where their display of resilience and teamwork was truly outstanding (picture).

The Family Bauhinia MaD Reps met Mr. Jeff Rotmeyer from Impact HK on Friday 23 November (picture below).  They asked Jeff some brilliant questions to find out more about what Impact HK do. The MaD Reps are planning exciting future projects in Term 2 and Term 3 with Jeff, and are currently collecting plastic bags in order to make kindness mats for the homeless (our Term 2 project).  It was most impressive to see their commitment and enthusiasm to find out more about Impact HK and how we can help them.

Andy Thums
Head of Year 7

Message from Head of Year 8

As mentioned back in October, the Wellbeing group have been busy gathering feedback from the rest of the Family and meeting with myself on a regular basis to discuss and plan for the Family Christmas event.  By popular demand we will be hosting a ‘Family Bauhinia Christmas Talent Show’, which will take place in the SPACE on the 6 December during lunch time.  This event will be a great opportunity for students to let off a bit of steam, and have some fun before we break for the holidays, so please do encourage your child to take part in whatever way they can.

Year 8 students’ performance task in Interdisciplinary this term was to create a website on issues related to Digital Citizenship.  One of the aims of the assessment was for students to further their understanding of the potential dangers online and to consider appropriate online behaviours to stay safe.  During Year 7 and Year 8 vertical tutoring sessions, Year 8 students shared their websites to support the younger years Laptop Induction process. It was wonderful to see the interaction between the year groups, particularly Year 8  sharing their knowledge and understanding in this area and answered the numerous questions Year 7 students asked. Please ask to view your child’s website, if you have not done so already, as it will provide a great opportunity for your family to come together and discuss this important area.

Family Bauhinia Vertical Tutoring Session.

Victoria Butcher
Head of Year 8

Celebrating Student Achievements

For the month of November, we have noted some students who have Made a Difference in the SIS community. We are incredibly proud of our students – please see below the names of some of the children who have Made a Difference.

We have Made a Difference

Family Bauhinia Achievements

Sunehri Shahriar – Making a Difference

On Saturday 17 November, 2018 Sunehri participated in the Eco Film Festival and workshop. The festival was focused on ecological issues we are facing in today’s world and how with every citizens contribution we can find solution for the environment.   

She was so inspired by the event and has become more conscious in her daily life to avoid excessive waste generation.

Way to go Sunehri – we are very proud of you!


Rachel Lui – Takes first prize

Rachel won First Prize in the 2018 International Music Competition “Rome” Grand Prize Virtuoso!  We are very proud of all the effort and determination that Rachel has shown to enable her to experience such great success!







Academy of Performing Arts rising star Destiny Lung

Destiny Lung enrolled in the junior music program at the APA on 1 September 2017 and successfully passed the audition in June last year which she had to play a Beethoven sonata.  She was then accepted to study under Professor Michael Ma and Mr Vince Chua. In the APA’s orchestra, she has been promoted from JSE to JRE which means she will play more difficult pieces, learn more and meet more new people.upcoming concert and it is on 15 December.

How does Destiny feel about her accomplishments?

I feel by participating in APA, I get to know more people and I also get to learn more theory as the APA have theory classes.

Destiny Lung


Successful Violinist – Tania Chim

Tania Chim has recently taken her Grade 8 violin examination and received a distinction award!  We are all very proud of her hard work and her well deserved award – great job Tania!








Golden Bauhinia Award Recipient – Jeffrey Yeung

Jeffrey Yeung received the Golden Bauhinia Award from the Hong Kong Scout Rally on 4 November 2018 at the Hong Kong Football Stadium.  Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, governed the event as well.

The Golden Bauhinia Award is the highest award which can be achieved by cub scouts in Hong Kong.  Jeffrey had taken several years to work towards this award, this includes challenges like camping, hiking, cooking, making fires, building shelters and orienteering.  The Golden Bauhinia award consists of certificates and gold embroidered badges which Jeffrey can wear on his scout uniform and remember of all his effort and amazing achievements!

Well done Jeffrey!



Henry Chy – Swimming Sensation

On 3 November, Henry Chy swam in the Hong Kong Age Group Boys 10 & Under Swimming Championship 2018-2019 held by Hong Kong Amateur Swimming Association.

He won two silver medals in the freestyle competition: 100 meter (event #8)  and 200 meter (event #50)

Way to go Henry!






Felix Lim – Creative Event Promoter

Felix Lim is one of our many talented students who is also on our Social Committee for Family Bauhinia.  Felix designed a poster for one of our events and we must say – it is fantastic! Thank you for making a difference Felix!








Clockenflap Star – Charlotte Blyth

Charlotte Blyth auditioned for the Clockenflap #TakeTheStage competition and was selected! She performed solo during the Sunday programme on the Cathay Pacific stage at Clockenflap.

This is such an amazing achievement for Charlotte which followed on from her performance in YRock during MaD Week.

Charlotte is now in the running to win the grand prize of a trip to Fuji Rock in Japan!

We wish you luck Rock Star!





Hannah Fennelly – Dancing Sensation!

On Sunday 4 of November, I performed at Arts in the Park with my dance school Island Dance, along with many other dancing and singing schools and groups.  The theme of arts in the park this year was The Wizard of Oz and my group HKID JR SHOWTEAM went as robots. We had been practising and rehearsing almost every Monday evening for 1 hour for weeks.

After we performed, I feel that I did quite well and remembered the feedback that my teacher told me and then cleaned it (made it better). Overall, I really enjoyed Arts in the Park and hope to keep dancing there every year.





Ella Ho – FAME-ous


I will take part in a musical!  The show is called Fame! It’s all about these young kids who get into a performing arts high school. It shows you the ways to become a star through a lot of hard work at school while dealing with humdrum adolescent issues and much more.

The show is produced by the Youth Arts Foundation. This foundation allows young students who want to dance, for free. It allows everyone to have a chance at growing and stretching themselves artistically.


[The show was on earlier in November.]


Curriculum Updates

Vive la poésie!

Paul Verlaine, Michel Houellebecq, Jacques Prévert, Augustin-Soudé, Jean Tardieu, Michel Besnier, Louguivil and Jean-Pierre Voidies were amongst some of the famous poets whose poems our students chose to interpret at this year’s Hong Kong Schools’ French Speech Competition.

Several students in Years 7, 9, 10 and 11 under the tutelage of Mesdames Catherine Dieuletraz, Marion Dechy and myself participated in the event in November this year.  They were required to learn a poem in French and to perform it for an audience and in front of native French jury members, undoubtedly a nerve-racking undertaking for them.  The strict assessment criteria included credit for their interpretation of the poem, their engagement with the audience and their delivery of the poem.

All of our students performed with poise and confidence and a notable mention is extended to Michele Liu, Sarah Shum, Carlijn Van Der Weijst, Tiya Shah (Y11), Maddy Yates, Nathaniel Wong (Y10), Conrad Ip, Jason Liu (Y9), Amaanat Rekhi, Sonia Poon, Calista Rosboch, Viki Yang, Oscar Wong and Julian Ing (Y7) who gave commendable performances, with accurate pronunciation and intonation.

This year’s winners were:

Michele Liu in the Y11 cohort who won first prize in the S5 Girls competition with her poem Sagesse – Extrait XV by Paul Verlaine (Ode, tribute to the powerful and beautiful sea).

Nathaniel Wong and Maddy Yates who received a second runner-up place award in the Year 10 cohort with their poem Les Visiteurs by Michel Houellebecq Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau de Jacques Prévert, and Oscar Wong, who also received a second runner-up place award in the Y7 Cohort with his poem Clown by Michel Besnier.  Extended congratulations to these candidates, knowing that the competition was again, very tough this year!

The two events (one of which was held at SIS this year) brought together various Hong Kong schools and tough competitors such as St Paul’s Convent School, Diocesan Boys’ School, La Salle College, Shatin College, Marymount School, St Margaret’s School and helped to make links with the wider French community.  It has allowed our students to showcase their knowledge of the French language and to perform on stage in a foreign language for which they will receive a very special certificate. Ultimately, it has also provided new experiences and unforgettable memories for our students.

I also would like to extend my appreciation to our wonderful team of prefects : Austin GiGi, Wendy Lee, Val Shiu, Paco Chow, Ava Kim, Athulram Rajagopal, Carla Cousins, Janice Chan, Charlotte Dawson, Daniel Leong, Helen Lee, Jacqueline Lin, Juliana Yue, Michelle Cheng, Marco Wong, Sua Jung, Max Yuen, without whom the opening ceremony of the French Speech Competition would not have been so successfully hosted.

Un grand Bravo et un grand Merci à tous!

Madame Lo
Teacher of French

Hong Kong Schools’ French Speech Competition – Sonia Poon

Hong Kong Schools’ French Speech Competition – Viki Yang, Oscar Wong and Julian Ing


Year 8 Individuals and Societies (InSoc) Field Study Trip

Year 8 InSoc students took to the streets of Aberdeen this week to investigate the question “To what extent is Aberdeen globalised?”

In Year 8 Individuals and Society classes (InSoc), the students are inquiring into, “Global interactions impact upon the sustainability of resources and globalisation of culture”.  They have been learning about globalisation and how it has impacted on our resources, ideas and culture.

During this unit they have investigated through a historic/economic lens:

    • Spice Trade
    • Slave Trade and Colonisation
    • Development of Transports (of good and people)
    • Race to the Bottom

To complete the unit, they had to investigate globalisation through a geographical lens – How has globalisation impacted on Hong Kong.  To support this inquiry, the students conducted a field study in the local area of Aberdeen to collect primary data to help answer their inquiry question back in the classroom. We took half the year group to Aberdeen on Wednesday 21 November, and the other half on Friday 23 November, where they further developed their observation and communication skills, through interviews and tallying up the types of businesses in Aberdeen that were either Independent of Transnational Corporations (TNC’s).

We were very lucky with the weather and had two beautiful days to take a stroll around Aberdeen. The students really engaged with the tasks, developing many skills and were great ambassadors for SIS. This was only possible with the help from the InSoc. teachers, EA’s, additional teaching staff who gave up their frees to help out and 10 volunteer parents who gave up their time to support our children’s learning.

Science Club

The Science Club ran in Term 1 for Year 7s and 8s led a group of Year 12 students under the supervision of Mrs Tesan. The Science Club is a place for young students who are interested in science to experience a vast range of sciences in the form of fun and interactive activities.

With regards to the students’ requests, the Year 12 students prepared various hands-on experiments such as making slime, DIY lava lamps, fruit-powered circuits, ‘milk art’, paper mâché volcanoes and many more. We also prepared a few entertaining demonstrations such as the ‘elephant toothpaste’ that the students may not be able to see during class time. Moreover, we had an egg drop competition and made ‘soda powered boats’ in order to encourage teamwork within the science club and to promote attitudes to healthy competition.

We hope through the science club, the students were able to feel adventurous with science, and build on their science spirit, and to find new friends with similar interests.

Christina Lee
Y12 Science Club team

Digital Literacy Update: Google

South Island continues to advocate the use of a multi faceted approach to research, which includes the school library, books and our extensive e-learning database, as well as the many search engines available for use. However, we cannot deny the importance of Google as a significant research tool.

If you are interested in supporting your children to develop these information literacy skills, it is worth reading and then viewing the following:


In short, we are reminded of the following key rules when conducting a Google search:

  • Use quotation marks to find exact wording
  • use “OR” to get options
  • Use a hyphen (or minus symbol) to remove options
  • Use “site:” to limit your search to within one website.
  • Use “site:” and a country code to explore sources from a particular place.
  • Add “@[name of social media site]” after your search words to get results from only that platform.
  • Use “intitle:” to only get results with your search words in the title.
  • Use “related:” before a web address you know to find results from similar sites.

Iain Williamson
Digital Literacy Coordinator

Annie Jr (Whole School Musical)

It is that time of year when our talented Music Department brings together our equally talented students – over 120 of them!  The musical Annie Jr hits our stage on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 27-29 November. Come let our exceptional singers, musicians and actors lift our spirits and get us in the holiday mood!  It is a fantastic example of community effort – it is not to be missed!

Event details:

Date: Tuesday (27 Nov), Wednesday (28 Nov) and Thursday (29 Nov)
Time: 7:00pm
Tickets: $125
Venue: South Island School (The Hall 2/F)


Inter-House – Year 7 Football (30 November)

  • Friday 30 November (1:30 pm – 2:55 pm)
  • Boys tournament and a girls tournament
  • Students must wear their House shirt

This is the last competition for Year 7 this term – we are sure it will be a great event!

After School Activities (Term 2)

Term 1 Activities

All after school activities for Term 1 will end on Friday 30 November.  This means that it will be the last day for after-school activities buses.  The after-school activities buses will no longer run after this date.  We will continue to offer the early morning buses on Tuesday mornings.

Term 2 Activities

All details regarding activities can be found here including how to sign in to the Activities Page, forms that are required, particular activities and After School Activities Bus routes.

When to Sign Up for After School Activities – 2019

9 January (Wednesday, 12:35) – 10 January (Thursday, 12:30) VIEW ONLY
10 January (Thursday, 12:35) –13 January (Sunday, 23:59)* SIGN-UP Period
14 January (Monday) –  16 January (Wednesday, 12:00) PROCESSING
16 January (Wednesday, 12:35) Allocations Confirmed
17-18 January (Thursday – Friday) Payment Due
21 January (Monday) – 29 March (Friday) Activity Period

* Students may sign up at any time during this period.  Please note that sign up is NOT first-come-first-served, so it does not matter when a student signs up during the sign up period.

Activity Allocation

  • Students may choose up to 4 activities.
  • Allocation for each activity will be selected in random order.  This is to make it fair for all students.  It is NOT first come first served.
  • On WEDNESDAY 16 January, allocations will be finalised.  Students are to check the status of their activities after this time in the VLE.

Cancel Activities

E-mail Mr. Samuel Wong at sawong@sis.edu.hk or visit the PE Office to cancel a booked activity.

Extra information

  • Activities will run from Monday 21 January to Friday 29 March 2019
  • Activity buses for After School Activities will operate starting from Monday 21 January
  • All activities incurring an additional fee must be paid for and appropriate forms signed by Friday 18 Januaryif not, allocation will not be guaranteed to the student

Influenza Vaccine Reminder (4 December)

As a reminder, please click here to find the details of the Vaccine Programme on 4 December at South Island School.

Upcoming Reporting and Information Sessions

Year 7 Evidencer – Making Learning Visible (7 December)

The students have been busy uploading photos, videos and examples of classwork to their electronic portfolios.  As part of our reporting calendar students have also been reflecting on all they have achieved this term since receiving their computers.  It has been great to see what work the students have selected for uploads, but as teachers we are lucky as we see this outstanding work every day – so now it’s over to you!

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to sit down with their children to view and ask questions about the uploaded evidence.  As part of the process, parents and caregivers are asked to write a comment to their child to celebrate their learning to date.

Some points to help this important process:

  • To view your child’s electronic portfolio (Evidencer), you will need to use your child’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) login details
  • Please sit with your child and view the e-portfolio together
  • Prompt sheets and a video have been created to help you in this process.  To view this information, please click here, click on the ‘Years 7-9 Curriculum’ tab and scroll to the bottom of the page

Thank you very much for your support with this new initiative and we look forward to hearing about the sharing process.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the MYP Academic Coordinator, Dr. Shaine Bushell at sbushell@sis.edu.hk

The Year 7 Evidencer will be ready for viewing on Friday 7 December.


Year 8 Progress Check Card 2 (13 December)

In Year 8, PCC2 is a full report indicating how your child is progressing academically.  Your child’s teachers will give a rating to express how engaged they have been with their learning in each subject (please see table below explaining the grading scale), as well as an achievement level in each criterion for each subject group – each criterion can be found here.  Teachers will also include next steps in learning for each subject to support student progress.  This report has been developed to meet the requirements of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

Year 8 PCC2 will be live to parents on iSAMS on Thursday 13 December at 4:00pm.


Year 8 Student Led Consultation (SLC) (17 January 2019)

Following from this report we will host the Year 8 Student Led Consultation (SLC), more information will be shared with you in a separate e-mail.  One important point to note for this SLC: the report will have a section for teachers to indicate whether or not an appointment is necessary.  

Please click here for an example of the Year 8 report format.

As there is not enough time for all parents to see all teachers in one night, we hope this will support you in making your on-line booking.  Please remember, our doors are always open, you do not have to wait until a SLC to approach any of the teachers at school.

Year 7 Progress Check Card 2 (31 January 2019)

Year 7 PCC2  will be live to parents on iSAMS on Thursday 31 January at 4.00 pm.  More information will be included in the next Newsletter.


MYP Reporting and Assessment – Parent Presentation (10 December)

There is a lot of information in our PCCs and other assessment documentation which can be confusing.  In an effort to further support our parents, we will host a parent information session on MYP reporting as well as go over the rationale behind our assessment schedule.  The presentation will take place on Monday 10 December at 5:30pm in the SPACE.  A separate email with a sign up for the event to follow.

Last Day of Term 1 arrangements (14 December)

Our last day of Term 1 is Friday 14 December.  To end a fantastic year, we will have a Whole School Assembly.  The school buses will depart at the regular time – 1.20 pm.

Outline of the Morning:

7:55-8:00am Tutor Time
8:00-8:45am Period 1A
8:45-9:30am Period 1B
9:30-10:15am Period 2A
10:15-10:45am Break
10:45-11:30am Period 2B
11:30-11:45am Tutor Time
11:45am-12:55pm Whole School Assembly

School will then finish at 12:55pm –  Buses depart school at 1:20pm.

We look forward to having the students back on the first day of Term 2 on MONDAY 7 JANUARY 2019 which is WEEK 1.

Year 6 Visits to SIS (15-18 January, 2019)

From Tuesday 15-18 January 2019, we will welcome Primary 6 students from QBS and Bradbury School, students who will join us next academic year from other ESF schools as well as those outside ESF.  It is an exciting time for everyone including our Year 7 and 8 students as they will be ambassadors for our school and take part in the week in a variety of ways, including working with the younger students.  The students will have the opportunity to sample lessons and work with Secondary teachers to become more comfortable in their future learning environment.

The week is a very important first step in the induction to Secondary School as well as an opportunity for Secondary and Primary colleagues to come together and learn from each other.  It promises to be an exciting week!

Birthdays – Happy Birthday November Babies!

Important Dates for your Diary

November / December 2018

  • 27 – 29 November –  Annie Jr (whole School Musical)
  • 6 December – Family Bauhinia Christmas Talent Show
  • 7 December – Year 7 Evidencer review (parents and students)
  • 10 December – Parent Presentation: MYP Reporting and Assessment (5:30pm @ The Space)
  • 11 December – Years 7&8 Read-a-thon Prize Giving Assembly
  • 13 December – Year 8 PCC2 live on iSAMS after 4:00 pm
  • 14 December – Booking System for Y8 SLC opens for parents
  • 14 December – Whole School Assembly (last day of Term 1)
  • 17 December – 4 January – Christmas Holidays

January 2019

  • Jan 7 – First Day of Term 2
  • Jan 15 to 18 – Year 6 Visits
  • Jan 17 – Year 8 Student Led Consultation (SLC)
  • Jan 21 – Term 2 Activities begin
  • Jan 25 – International Evening
  • Jan 26 – ESF Hong Kong Run
  • Jan 31 – Year 7 PCC2 live on iSAMS after 4:00 pm

All dates and information can be found on our school calendar.  To view the calendar, please go to our website and click on the link School Calendar.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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