30 May 2019

Family Bauhinia Newsletter (May 2019)

Family Bauhinia’s latest newsletter is available to read now.  Find out the latest news and upcoming events on Volume 7, Issue 8.

>  Message from the Vice Principal
>  Message from Head of Year 7
>  Message from Heads of Year 7 and 8
Celebrating Family Bauhinia Achievements
Battle of Books
Progress Check Cards
Curriculum Update
>  Inter-House Swim Gala
SIS Goes MaD 2019
Student Withdrawal
Happy Birthday!
Important Dates for your Diary

Message from the Vice Principal

Dear Family Bauhinia Parents,

June is just around the corner!  Where has the time gone? As we end another fantastic year as Family Bauhinia, I want to take this opportunity to thank all members of our amazing family for their valued support – it is because of you our Family is strong.

The last month of school brings with it many changes: we welcome our new, soon-to-be Year 7 students from the Primary Schools; we watch our current Year 7 students take on their senior role in our Family; and we say goodbye to our Year 8 students as they move into their new Learning Family – Bamboo or Banyan.  

To celebrate this growth, Year 6 students will spend the day with us on Friday 31 May.  They will be welcomed into their new House, meet the other members of their Tutor Group and work with the Leaders of Family Bauhinia, our Year 12 Prefects and some of our Years 7 and 8 students.  It promises to be great day with many smiles and great memories.

For our current Year 7 and 8 students, we will have a one final get together to celebrate just how amazing this year has been.  On 20 June, we will have a Bauhinia Family Celebration.  The purpose of the event is to come together and have some fun one last time as Family for the year.  It is shaping up to be a wonderful event.

As I have mentioned many times, it has been another successful year in Family Bauhinia and we like to celebrate our students’ successes. Please find below some of these events and the names of the students that have participated in them.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to our new students and families to SIS and Family Bauhinia: Lucas Munt (7B2) Taka Leong (8C2) and Ingrid Yeung (8S1). They are wonderful additions to the Family.

Carolyn Andrews
Vice Principal

Message from Head of Year 7

Since the last newsletter the Year 7’s have been busy in their Tuesday PLC (pastoral learning curriculum) lessons learning about well being, inquiring, kindness and resilience – this terms themes include digital reflection on technology usage and being curious, linked to encouraging an open mind.

In one of the sessions at the end of Term 2, the learner profile focus was inquirer and the students were given the challenge to come up with ideas for forced perspective images.  Please click here to view some of my personal favourites that reflect the creativity of our students.

Andy Thums
Head of Year 7

Message from Heads of Years 7 and 8

We recently held our Family Bauhinia MaD encouraging, kindness to ourselves, others and the environment. Here is a selection of images from the week.

We have Made A Difference

The Family Bauhinia MaD Council arranged a series of events and activities to support the charity, Impact HK and their initiative related to ‘showing kindness’.  To support positive development, students were on the lookout for acts of kindness and were able to share these acts on our ‘Caught in Kindness’ display. Poppy Bushell (7C2) and Clio Wu (7M2) won the prizes for ‘Bring in the healthiest lunch Wednesday’ competition. It was fantastic effort! Through all the activities during the week, we could all feel a sense of extra kindness around the school which was fantastic. We are confident that we can continue this theme. Let’s keep up with the healthy lunches and using our own containers when buying food in school to show kindness to ourselves and our environment.

Well done everyone for your contribution to the week. A special mention to the MaD Reps and Student Council Reps who helped to organise and ensure the week ran so smoothly. An extra special mention to the seven brave volunteers who single handedly prepared and presented an assembly on kindness, which included a summary of our work with Impact HK this year. Well done Paul Joly, Riya Girish, Anson Li, Nellie Froidevaux, Swati Sharma and Roy Hu on an outstanding assembly.  Our dress casual raised $4,493.60 for Impact HK. Thank you for kind donations to support the homeless in our community.

We look forward to continuing our partnership with Impact HK next year.

Andy Thums and Victoria Butcher

Celebrating Family Bauhinia Achievements

Thinking of the Needs of Others Before Themselves

Lucas Shunki Chan (8C2) (with his brother Jayden Chan from QBS) made a difference by making a hair donation during the Easter Holiday to an organisation in the UK called The Little Princess Trust, which provides free, real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions. Lucas learned about how hair donation can help people who lost their hair from the news and kept his hair growing for almost two years!  This can be a very difficult thing to do for a young boy, but with determination, he did it! We are very proud of you Lucas!


Hayley Sadler in (8B1) made a difference by cutting off her hair to support the charity HK Cancer Fund to raise awareness and fund cancer research due to the illness of one of her grandparents. It is a very thoughtful act – we are proud of you Hayley!


Yasmin Hoare (7B2)
also made a difference by cutting her hair and making a donation Princess Trust which provide free, real hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment or other conditions.

We are incredibly proud of our thoughtful and caring children!


We have Made A Difference

For the month of May, we have noted some students who have Made a Difference in the SIS community.   We are incredibly proud of our students and how they Make a Difference in a variety of ways to make SIS a wonderful place to be.  Please see below the names of some of the children who have Made a Difference this month.


Pianistic Performer

Shriyans Gadnis (7M2) was crowned champion at a recent piano competition held at the International Youth and Cultural Center. He performed exceptionally well with an overall score of 98/100. We are very proud of you Shriyans and the the hard work you put into your piano skills!


Wing Chun – Superstars

Ethan Ching (7K1), Nicholas Chang (8M1) and Aidan Lo (7N1) competed in a recent Wing Chun competition held on 13 May at Kwai Tsing Theatre. Wing Chun is a concept-based Chinese martial art and form of self-defense utilising both striking and grappling while specialising in close-range combat. We are very proud of the boys for their commitment and courage to compete!


Making a Difference Through Art

Hayley Wong (7S1) has won an award in 2018 International Year of the Reef – Art and Design Competition.

The theme was to help maintain the beautiful coral reefs in the sea.  The title of Hayley’s work was Save it, not Stop it.  The artwork consisted of beautiful corals reminding people to save them by not throwing litter in the sea.  We are very proud Hayley for using her artistic skills to Make a Difference.


Sensational Swimmer

Ariana Leung (7C2) participated in a major public swimming competition A1 x Sui Generis Rising Stars Swimming Competition 2019 and Distance Challenge Day held on 19 May.  She won one gold medal for 50M Freestyle, one bronze medal 25M Freestyle, and one 4th prize 25M Breaststroke, for her age category (10-11).  This is an exceptional achievement – we are very proud of you Ariana!


Awesome Archers

Marcus Yiu (8M1) along with other Grade C boys from SIS competed in the HKSSF archery competition 15 May. The boys performed so well that SIS is now ranked 9th overall out of 22 schools.  Marcus obtained an impressive individual ranking of 4th place – up 16 places from last year! Fantastic achievement as a result of dedication and hard work! Well done Marcus!


Becoming Jane: Inspiring A Shared Planet

Ariana Si-Ngar Leung (7C2) and Sophie Lam (7C1) volunteered at Becoming Jane: Inspiring a Shared Planet at the Hong Kong Science Museum recently.  The girls took part in the opening ceremony and learned a great deal of Jane’s work and the animals on our planet.  Their passion for animals inspired them to Make a Difference – we are very proud of the girls!


Excelling in Judo

We are pleased to let you know that Joseph Ho (8M2) and Jeffrey Ho (8M1) competed in the 62nd Festive of Sports – HK Junior Judo Championships 2019 and won the gold and silver medals respectively!  We are so proud of all the hard work and dedication that the boys have put into the sport to be so successful! Great job boys!


ESF Badminton Tournament @ Sha Tin College

On Wednesday 16 May our badminton team travelled to Sha Tin College to compete in the ESF Badminton Tournament.  The students had fun, played hard and most importantly supported each other as a team. We are very proud of all the players.  Great job Owen Cheng (12S2), Derek Lai (12B1), Martin Yulo (10N1), Victor Chu (10C1), Yin Sing Ng (10S1), Zoe Lee (9B1), Jason Au Yeung (8K2), Sharv Nayak (7M2), Nicole Yulo (8N1), Chloe Kong (9B2), Hong Liang Ee (8S2), James Ma (7N2), Wesley Mui (9K2), Carys Leung (8K1) and Aliyah Sat (9C2) – well done!


HKSSF Archery Cup!

Congratulations to Brendan Tang (8S2), Minjun Koo (8B1), Jason Choi (8C1), Marcus Yiu (8M1) and Ryan Tang (11K1) for their excellent in performance in the recent  the HKSSF Archery Cup!

Battle of Books

Congratulations to the Battle of Books team for their participation in the practicing sessions, Skype friendly with KGV and the semi-final of the Hong Kong Battle of Books! This was a great experience for all of them. Throughout the process, they were exposed to quality books that represented a variety of literary styles and viewpoints by excellent authors, and their reading and collaborative skills were progressively enhanced. The best of all, they all enjoyed the fun of reading! Although we went fourth in the semi-final, I can assure that everyone who participated is the WINNER overall!

Y7 – 9 BoB team: Andrew Luo (7B1), Nika Lam (7S2), Jason Choi (8C1) and Marcus Lau (8K1).

Om Sodhani (8K2), Jeremy Choy (8C2), Adam Chan (8B2), Hong Liang EE (8S2), Tisya Gupta (8B2), Saloni Sethi (9K1), Anjelica Law (9S1) and Zoe Lee (9B1).

Y12 Coaches: Faith Lin (12C1), Alicia Leong (12K1), Nidhi Mundra (12N1), Joyce Chu (12S1).


Ms Betty Ow

Progress Check Cards

The Progress Check Cards will be available on iSAMS on the following dates:

Year 7 PCC 3: Thursday 27 June  (This is a data report including tutor comment)
Year 7 Evidencer 3: Friday 21 June
Year 8 PCC 3: Friday 21 June (This is a data report including tutor comment)
Year 8 Evidencer 3: Friday 14 June

Your child’s teachers will give a rating to express how engaged they have been with their learning in each subject as well as a grading for each criterion (there are 4) for each subject group.   Tutors will also comment as a review of the year for your child. This report has been developed to meet the requirements of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP).

Attainment : Based on assessments for each criterion (A,B,C,D) on a scale of 1-8.
Engagement : How a student has engaged with the subject material since the last reporting period.
Attendance : The attendance record is dated from August 2018 until the date of this PCC.


1) Login in to iSAMS (Parent Portal)
2) Click School Profile (at the top banner)

      – Click School Reports.
      – Click View (child) School Reports.

3) You can choose between ‘view‘ or ‘download‘ the reports

      – View is a quick view.
      – Download is a full report with the explanation of ratings.



1) Login in to iSAMS (Parent App).
2) Click My children at the bottom banner.
3) Select your child’s name.
4) Select Assessments & Reports.
5) Select PCC3 (2019) and you can view the report (quick view only).

Curriculum Update

Y7 Interdisciplinary Learning – ‘I am Eleven’ – Meet the Director

The Y7 students have recently completed their unit on Childhood and Change and they watched a documentary entitled ‘I am Eleven’ directed by Geneviève Bailey of Proud Mother Pictures. The documentary shared views from children eleven years old from 15 countries around the world, including, India, Thailand, China, France, Sweden, Australia, America and Morocco to name a few. We were fortunate to be able to arrange sessions for the Y7 students to meet Genevieve Bailey via a Skype chat.  The Y7 students watched this documentary because they have been investigating how perspectives move on when the change from childhood to adulthood occurs and how it can be influenced by physical, cultural and social factors.  Their end of unit task involved understanding Children’s Rights to develop perspective on what is considered an adult task such as child labour.  Students worked in groups to create a video report to share their findings. The students took on this project with enthusiasm and have created some informative videos. Please ask your child to share their video with you.

Y8 Interdisciplinary Learning – Inclusive Design Unit

The Y8 students have started an Inclusive Design unit which involves collaboration between Science, Design Technology and Interdisciplinary teachers to work together to develop students’ understanding of how the form of a product can be modified to make the function appropriate for inclusive design.  During Interdisciplinary lessons, students will develop an understanding of inclusion, disabilities and empathy by taking part in various simulation activities. Mr. Merrik Ho and Calvin Tin from the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired will visited South Island School on 20 May and 22 May. He shared his personal story and conducted workshops with the Y8 students to help them further develop their understanding and empathy towards others.  In June, students will take part in an Inclusive Design Day where they bring their knowledge, research and understanding to work with the science and design teachers. They will create plans to modify a product in order to assist people with visual, auditory or physical disabilities.  It is an exciting unit and the students have begun the unit with keen interest and compassion. Please take some time to discuss their thoughts about the unit with you.

Chile Le
Head of Interdisciplinary Learning

Drama School Production

In the autumn term, the Drama Department will be staging a large scale theatrical production and modern adaptation of George Eliot’s The Mill On the Floss. With the universal themes of sibling love, loss of innocence and education, this production celebrates the bicentenary of the birth of Eliot and truly puts the female protagonist at its centre. However, there are some fantastic acting roles for males too!  This play will also include music and movement in a physical, non-natural style but acting and characterisation is definitely at the centre of the production. Please come along for an acting audition at the following times if you wish to be considered for a role.  

Students in Years 7 and 8 on either Monday 27 May or Wednesday 28 May at 3:30pm – DR1.

  • Students in Years 9 and 10 on either Monday 3 June or Wednesday 5 June at 3:30pm – DR1.
  • Students in Years 12 on Monday 10 June, Tuesday 11 June or Wednesday 12 June at 3:30pm – DR1.
  • Year 11 from the week beginning of 17 June to the end of term depending on exam completion.


The main roles are:

Maggie Tulliver – The protagonist of The Mill on the Floss. The piece tracks Maggie as she grows from an impetuous, clever child into a striking, unconventional young woman. (This role is played by three actors – the child Maggie, the teenage Maggie and the young woman Maggie)

Tom Tulliver – The Tullivers’ older son. Tom has his own clear sense of duty, justice, and fairness, and these standards affect his action more so than emotion.  

Elizabeth Tulliver – Maggie Tulliver’s mother. Formerly a Miss Dodson, Mrs. Tulliver still maintains that the respectable ways of the Dodson family are better than the ways of Mr. Tulliver.

Jeremy Tulliver – Maggie Tulliver’s father. Mr. Tulliver works the mill on the Floss river, which is on land his family has held for generations. Mr. Tulliver is fond of Maggie, especially her cleverness, and he often takes her side in family quarrels.

Lucy Deane – The cousin of Tom and Maggie. Lucy is genuinely good-hearted, thinking often of the happiness of others before her own.

Philip Wakem – The sensitive and intelligent son of Lawyer Wakem. Philip’s love of art, music, and knowledge go some way toward counteracting the severe sadness he feels about his physical health. Philip first meets Maggie when he is at school with Tom and falls in love with her.

Lawyer Wakem – Lawyer Wakem is a powerful, and increasingly wealthy member of St. Ogg’s society. He remembers his late wife lovingly and is very indulgent but close to his deformed son, Philip. Wakem holds strict ideas about class and money. He is scornful of the vindictive Mr. Tulliver.

Stephen Guest – Stephen Guest is courting Lucy Deane when we meet him but has not yet proposed marriage. He is the son of the senior partner of Guest & Co., where both Tom and Mr. Deane work. Stephen is handsome and self-assured.

Bob Jakin – Bob Jakin was a childhood friend of Tom’s, though Tom rejected his friendship when they were children over an incident of cheating.

Mr. and Mrs. Glegg – Mrs. Glegg, formerly Miss Jane Dodson, acts as the leader of the Dodson sisters. Mrs. Glegg is loudly vocal regarding her disapprovals, which usually involve a violation of the Dodson way of doing something. Yet it is her same strict sense of respectability that allows Mrs. Glegg to stand by Maggie, when no one else will at the end of the piece. Mr. and Mrs. Glegg are miserly, though Mr. Glegg is more good-natured about thrift. Mr. Glegg tries to mediate his wife’s ill temper and will stand up to her as well

Mr. and Mrs. Pullet  – Mrs. Pullet, formerly Miss Sophie Dodson, is the closest Dodson sister to Mrs. Tulliver. Mr. Pullet is a gentleman farmer, and the couple were originally the most wealthy of the Dodson family, until Mr. Deane began rising in the business world.

Mr. Stelling – Mr. Stelling is the clergyman tutor of Tom Tulliver and, later, Philip Wakem. Stelling wants to rise in the world and lives somewhat beyond his current means. He teaches exactly as he was taught, with Latin and Euclid. He doesn’t have the imagination or the open-mindedness to help Tom learn in other ways.

Dr. Kenn – Dr. Kenn is the stern, but charitable, minister of St. Ogg’s.

Supporting ensemble members and non-speaking roles.

Please email me if you have any questions about the audition days and times, otherwise I hope to see you on the designated dates.  ALL WELCOME.

Ms Cannon
Head of Drama

Inter-House Swim Gala

Please find below information regarding the upcoming Swim Gala.  It is a great day for the whole as we come together and compete, cheer and celebrate as a school – it will be a great day!


  • The Swim Gala will begin at 8:00am sharp so students need to be at the pool by 7:45 am at the latest.
  • The Gala will finish at approximately 12:00 pm.
  • The venue is Victoria Park Swimming Pool, 1 Hing Fat Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
  • Students are to wear their HOUSE SHIRT and PE Kit for the gala. They are welcome to add hair accessories and makeup in their House colours!


  • The school buses will be running at the same times as they normally do on a school day.
  • Buses will take students straight to Victoria Park Swimming Pool from their bus stop to arrive between 7:30-7.45am (bus students do not come to school first).
  • There will be one bus in the morning going from South Island School leaving at 7:15am mainly for staff but there will be room for students who live close to school.
  • Buses will pick students up from Victoria Park Swimming Pool shortly after 12:00 pm and drop them off at their bus stop as they would on a normal school day.
  • There will be one bus going back to South Island School from Victoria Park Swimming Pool shortly after 12:00pm.


  • The pool is indoor so there should be no weather issues to interfere with the day. If there are severe weather conditions which prevent us from travelling, confirmation of the cancellation of the gala will be posted on the school website at 6:45am on Friday 14 June.


  • Snacks and drinks – there is no shop at the swimming pool so you need to bring your own food and drink
  • Students must bring: House swim cap, goggles, towel and poolside shoes.
  • EVERYONE will be taking part in the House challenge so all students need a swim kit.
  • All students must wear their South Island School swimsuit or a plain black equivalent if they do not have a school swimsuit.
  • Students must bring their school PE kit with their house T-shirt for when they are not racing
  • Students should not bring any valuables on the day (no laptops/iPods) as there are no storage facilities.


  • Students are not permitted to leave the swimming pool complex during the day.
  • Any students who cannot swim on the day need to bring a note and give it to their form tutor who will pass it onto the PE department.

Miss Nicola Bosson
Leading Teacher Inter-House

SIS Goes MaD 2019

Balance Payment for SIS goes MaD Week trips is due on 13 June for all trips. 

A separate email has been sent to inform parents of the exact balance needed for their child’s/children’s particular trip at the end of May.  If you have not received the email, please contact Ms. Yokee Kwan (ykwan@sis.edu.hk).

Mr. Slethaug
Vice Principal

Student Withdrawal

If you are withdrawing your child at the end of this academic year, please complete the student withdrawal notice and return it to the Admissions Office in school via email at admissions@sis.edu.hk before 1 June.  Otherwise, we will assume that your child is returning after summer and parents are liable to the tuition fees for September even if the student does not return to school.

Student withdrawal notice is available at school office or school’s website and must be returned to the Admissions Office in school via email at admissions@sis.edu.hk.

Ms. Thalia Chua
Admissions Officer

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday APRIL Babies!

Happy Birthday MAY Babies!

Important Dates For Your Diary

MAY 2019

  • 17 May – Family Bauhinia Assembly
  • 24 May – Year 8 Inter-House Basketball
  • 30 May – Year 6 Parents Evening
  • 31 May – Cross ESF Pastoral Day
  • 31 May – Year 7 Inter-House Netball

JUNE 2019

  • 3 June  Year 7 Spanish Spelling Bee Semi Final (Bahay/Casa/Shtepi)
  • 3 June – Year 8 Spanish Spelling Bee Semi Final (Bahay/Casa/Shtepi)
  • 5 June  Year 7 Spanish Spelling Bee Semi Final (Maison/Namas/Kuca)
  • 5 June  Year 8 Spanish Spelling Bee Semi Final (Maison/Namas/Kuca)
  • 6 Jun – CPD Day (school closed for students)   
  • 7 Jun – Public holiday (school closed)
  • 13 Jun – Balance deadline for ‘SIS goes MaD 2019’
  • 13 Jun – SIS Film Award
  • 14 Jun – Inter-House Swim Gala
  • 14 Jun – Term 3 after school activities finish
  • 14 Jun – Year 8 Evidencer 3
  • 17 Jun – Year 7 Spanish Spelling Bee Final
  • 17 Jun – Year 8 Spanish Spelling Bee Final
  • 20 Jun – Family Bauhinia Celebration
  • 21 Jun – Year 7/8/9 Inter-House E-Sports
  • 21 Jun – Year 8 PCC3 live on iSAMS at 4:00 pm
  • 21 Jun – Year 7 Evidencer 3
  • 25 Jun – Gala Concert
  • 27 Jun – Year 7 PCC3 live on iSAMS at 4:00 pm
  • 28 Jun – Last day of Term 3

All dates and information can be found on our school calendar.  To view the calendar, please go to our website and click on the link School Calendar.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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