2 Mar 2018

ESF Stakeholder Survey

Stakeholders will soon be invited by email to participate in the biennial ESF Stakeholder Survey, which will be open from 5th to 19th March 2018. Through this survey we aim to find out about the impressions that parents, staff and students have formed about the education we provide. The feedback from the survey will help us build on our strengths and inform our future planning.

A parent invite will be emailed to the primary contact parent in your family on 5th March.  If you have a child at another ESF school you will receive a separate invite  to participate in that school’s survey (Please note that the school specific questions will be different). Students in Years 7-13 will also receive an email inviting them to participate in the survey.

We would be very grateful if you would spare the time to complete the survey. It’s shorter than in the past and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete (though may take a little longer if you wish to add comments in the optional comment boxes).

Darin Slethaug

Vice Principal

Director of Learning Systems

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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