English For Academic Purposes (EAP)
Year 7 EAP – From Page To Stage
This term, Year 7 EAP students have been working on a Fairytales and Fables unit, culminating in writing a script for a fairytale and performing it with sock puppets. The students had fun learning how to transform a story into a script and a new craft!
Year 9 EAP – Collaboration For Writing
This term, Year 9 EAP students are examining the question of What is Art? Last week, they performed a collaborative activity debating a number of questions, such as “Graffiti is just vandalism and doesn’t have any artistic value” or “When graffiti ends up in galleries, it stops being graffiti.” With a bit of help from their friends, they are learning the techniques of writing a discussion response that balances different viewpoints about an issue.