English Department
Year 7
Year 7 students had a first attempt at writing a traditional haiku, using their creativity to represent the images physically through salt dough or illustrations. They are currently working towards writing their own narrative poetry to complement the study of the novel “Finding Langston” which explores Langston’s journey into the world of literature and the poet after whom he is named. Some amazing examples of their work are shown HERE
Year 8
Year students had the opportunity to watch and reflect on an interview with Michel Lowy, a third-generation Holocaust survivor, as part of their study of Graphic Novel adaptation of Anne Frank’s Diary. They created reflections and creative responses to the video interview HERE on padlet.
Parents may also want to watch the interview with Michel Lowy below:
Year 9
Year 9 students have recently been studying Conflict Poetry through the ages. Students were invited to share their creative responses to the poems being studied.