

By Bus

By Minibus

By Taxi

One Way System

South Island School is located at 50 Nam Fung Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, halfway down Nam Fung Road mid-way between Wong Nai Chung Gap and Wong Chuk Hang. Most students travel to school via the extensive Kwoon Chung school bus network [details].

The closest MTR station to South Island School is Ocean Park Station along South Island Line, Exit C. Transit with Bus, Minibus or Taxi to continue your journey to SIS.

  • Route 76 – Causeway Bay (Pennington Street) ⬌ Shek Pai Wan [details]
  • Route 41A – North Point (Ferry Pier) ⬌ Wah Fu (Central) [details]

For Bus 76 towards Shek Pai Wan or Bus 41A towards Wah Fu, get off at “South Island School, Nam Fung Road.”

若乘坐石排灣方向的 76號 或 華富(中)方向的 41A 號城巴,請於「南島中學」站落車,然後與巴士反方向及行上斜。

For Bus 76 towards Pennington Street and Bus 41A towards North Point Ferry Pier, get off at “Nam Fung – Parker Cable Tunnel, Nam Fung Road.

若乘坐邊寧頓街方向的 76號 或 北角碼頭方向的 41A 號城巴,請於「南風 – 柏架電力隧道, 南風道」站落車,然後沿巴士方向上斜及過馬路。

No. 5 Minibus – Causeway Bay (Jaffe Road) ⬌ Aberdeen [details and more info]

For Minibus 5 on either directions, tell the driver to stop at “Deep Water Bay Drive roundabout.

乘坐任何方向的 5號專線小巴乘客,請於「深水灣道迴旋處」落車,然後沿南風道落斜。

The school address is 50 Nam Fung Road. Deep Water Bay, Aberdeen. You may show the taxi driver this Chinese address:

香港深水灣 南風道50號 南島中學 (深水灣徑入)

The school operates a permanent one-way system round-the-clock. All vehicles should access via the rear entrance from Deep Water Bay Drive only.

All vehicles (except staff’s vehicles) are not allowed to enter the school during the following time slots:


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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