CPD Day Tuesday 31st October
While the Year 7 and 8 parents had their Guiding Day last week the remainder of the staff were engaged on a Professional Development Day. The focus of the day was Differentiation techniques. An audit of present staff practice was completed and then we were able to build on pedagogical skills. We shared some research from Carol Ann Tomlinson who is an American educator, author and speaker. She is known for her work with techniques of differentiation in education. Also looking at some of the work done by Shelly Moore, University of British Columbia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtUlU8MjlY
The remainder of the day was then spent in departments looking at curriculum planning both in Year 7 to 9 MYP planning but also in Year 10 – 13 curriculum, and how we can address the needs of all our students. It was a very productive day which has enabled us to share good practice.