11 Sep 2015


September 2nd was a staff training day for all the teachers and support staff at SIS. The training was based around safeguarding students and having an understanding of the updated ESF Child Protection Policy. Five workshops were organized and all staff attended each one. The workshops consisted of the most recent thinking and research around Teenage Depression, Self Harm, What is Child Abuse and What is Neglect. The last workshop was about on line threats and safeguards.

Staff were also expected to set up an eportfolio of their CPD where they could reflect on their learning. The last hour was also an opportunity to revisit our SIS Learning Model and to examine where we are on the continuum of skills required.

All students are expected to have an eportfolio by the Academic Monitoring Day in January so it was a good opportunity for staff to refresh their skill level to be able to support student’s in making their e-portfolios.

Annette Chapman
Director of Learning Family

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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