Counselling Services

Counselling Services at South Island School

Our school realises that students may face many issues as they grow up be it peer pressure, academic struggles or adapting to a new school. Apart from approaching their Tutors or the Head of House or Learning Family Head, we also encourage students to use counselling service as an additional, confidential support to help them address difficulties that affect their social, emotional or intellectual wellbeing. We believe that students will benefit from counselling after improving their self-awareness and wellbeing.  

At South Island we have four members of staff in our counselling team:  

  • Two registered part time social workers are from the Hong Kong Children & Youth Services ( 
  • One full time and one part time counsellor.  

School Counselling Team 2022-2023

  • See PDF version HERE

  • Getting to know your school social workers:

Counselling Services Schedule 2022-2023

About Counselling

What is counselling?

When you come for counselling, you have a chance to talk with a professional in confidence about whatever is going on in your life, whether you have problems regarding home or school, or simply want someone to talk to and seek advice from him/her. We will listen to you in a neutral and non-judgmental manner and help you work through challenges and explore your own strengths and potential clearly. We will respect your values, lifestyle and culture, and will work to help you make your own decisions, so that you feel stronger and more in control of your life. 

What counselling can help

Counselling, both individual and group, is helpful for a range of issues, such as:

  •    Identity and Self-image
  •    Self-esteem and Confidence
  •    Bullying
  •    Family problems
  •    Relationship problems
  •    Managing Emotions
  •    Depression and Self-harm
  •    Anxiety or Exam Stress
  •    Study problems (Organisation, Time management)
  •    Addictions
  •    Grief and Loss

Coming to see a social worker / counsellor is a positive step in trying to overcome your difficulties. Everyone has problems at points in their life, and sometimes we all need some help in finding our direction again. 

We are here to listen and to support you


All conversations with you are private and confidential UNLESS you give permission to share with others. The ONLY exception is when there appears to be a serious risk to your own or others’ safety. In these circumstances, we would normally seek to speak to you first before contacting anyone else.

Sometimes it is helpful that we agree to share some information with your parents or teachers in order to get you the support you might need, this is always done with your permission too.

Confidential, trusting relationships are essential to effective counselling. 

How to make an appointment

  • Speak with your Tutor or Head of House/Year or Ms. Lucie Purves (Vice-Principal) who will help you to arrange an appointment 
  • Email a school social worker / counsellor directly 
  • Call or Drop by the Social Worker’s Office (2240-6703 / 2240-6761) / School Counsellor’s Office (2240-6784/ 6292-5848) for making an appointment directly 
  • Talk to your parents who can help you by doing any of the above (# Parents are welcome to contact the counsellor for consultations or referrals too.) 

Commitment to the process

Counselling is a collaborative process for both you and the counsellor. Engaging in the process will definitely help you to move forward though you may find it takes some time to talk openly with the counsellor. It will be important to commit yourself to scheduled appointments and taking responsibility for emailing or texting your counsellor in advance if you are unable to attend any meeting. It will help us re-arrange meetings with other student in need. You may reschedule another appointment.

On occasion, students are mandated to counselling to focus on issues which result in a breach of our school rules or special well-being concerns. Such appointments are usually made in collaboration with Tutors, Heads of Year or House, Individual Needs, Ms. Purves (Vice-Principal) and, on occasion, parents. Students are not referred just because they disrupt lessons and/or expressed anger, but based upon emotional difficulties, mental health issues or for another reason which has the potential to escalate or have an increased negative impact upon emotional wellbeing and learning. Your commitment is vital in the process.

Advice to Parents

If your child is receiving counselling, you can help them by:

  • Respecting their privacy and the confidential nature of counselling
  • Try not to intrude on their experience but let them know you are available if they need to talk
  • Limit your advice and guidance by encouraging your child to express what their feelings, needs and goals are:
  • Praise and encourage their positive manner in seeking help.
  • If your child is not ready for receiving counselling service in school but you as parents feel you need help, you may check the resources from any non-government organisations or private counselling service centres for assistance.
  • We treasure the communication with parents in supporting your child’s overall growth and development. Please feel free to contact our School Social Worker or School Counsellor if you require any help.

Student Well-Being Toolkit

The SIS Student Well-being Toolkit HERE is a website for students at South Island School.

On the website, you can find out more about:

  • Your supports at SIS
  • Counselling at SIS
  • Ways to take care of your own wellbeing
  • What you can do if you are concerned about a friend

Community Resources in Hong Kong

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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