27 May 2016

Casa’s Making a Difference

CasaDear South Island School community,

As the year comes to a close, The Casa House Student Leadership Team will be holding a Swap Shop in order to promote the idea of “Paying it Forward” which is at the heart of Casa’s Making a Difference activities. The Swap Shop is a fun, active and sustainable way of giving and receiving something in return, to change the world one good deed at a time.

WHEN: Wednesday 1st June 2016 (Break & Lunch)
WHERE:Covered Playground

  • From 25th of May ~ 30th of May, you’ll be able to donate your objects for swapping (stationary, clothing, books, accessories…etc) to a stall in the Atrium during break or lunch time.
  • In return, a Casa member will give you a token that you can exchange for any other object that has been donated on the 1st of June
  • All objects must be in working condition, choose something that you have enjoyed or value that you think someone else might enjoy – please don’t see this an an opportunity to clear out broken or unwanted items .

Don’t forget to add us on snapchat @casacoyotes to get updates on the event!

See you all on the 1st of June and don’t forget to bring your friends along with you! Let’s use this event to Make a Difference and Pay it Forward!

Thank you,
The Casa Student Leadership Team

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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