13 Oct 2017

Box of Hope

Casa House will once again be supporting Box of Hope this year. Box of Hope is an annual charity event aimed at providing useful and educational gifts for underprivileged children who live in Hong Kong and Asia, some of whom may never have received a gift before.  All you have to do is provide some small educational and interesting, useful gifts for a boy or girl and put them in a beautifully wrapped or decorated shoe box. Last year the wonderfully generous SIS community donated just over 200 boxes to Box of Hope, that’s 200 children that we made smile. We would love to exceed that amount this year.  So if you have some empty shoe boxes, save them for this worthwhile cause. Our student designed poster from the Casa MaD team will be published next week with all the details of what, where and when. Information will be shared in tutor time to students and posters will be displayed on the ebulletin and around school.  If you would like to know more about Box of Hope please visit their webpage: http://www.boxofhope.org/home/main/en/

Thank you on behalf of Casa and the SIS MaD Council.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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