14 Sep 2018

Benedict Allen: Life on the Edge – Lost in Papua New Guinea

On Wednesday 12th September, we were honoured to have the famous explorer Benedict Allen come to school to talk to an audience of 400 students, mostly Year 7 and 10 about his adventures in Papua New Guinea (PNG)  and how he had immersed himself in the lives of the indigenous people in the very remote areas of PNG. This talk was possible thanks to the Royal Geographical Society Schools Outreach programme and we are grateful to them for making this possible. Benedict was to have spoken last November but went missing in PNG, due to both disease weather and tribal conflicts. Following an informative and entertaining talk, Benedict enjoyed answering questions from our audience including graphic details of eating Sago Grubs!

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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