Bad Weather Procedures

The rainy season lasts from April to September. In the event of red rain, black rain, or Typhoon 8, the school will make announcements on the school website, email, ESF App, and Facebook.

Tropical Cyclones

Rainstorm Warnings


Policy For Activities

Tropical Cyclones

Signal Action to be taken
Hoisting of No.1 Signal: All schools will operate as normal
Hoisting of No.3 Signal: All primary and secondary schools will operate as normal, unless advised otherwise
Hoisting of No.8 Signal or above: Before School hours

  • All ESF schools will be closed.
  • Schools shall make provision for a critical staffing crew to be on-site to care for any students who may arrive at school. In such circumstances, students should be kept safe until a parent or guardian collects them.

During School/Office hours:

  • In the event of a typhoon approach and an announcement being made by the HKO that a Typhoon Signal No. 8 will be hoisted within two hours, ESF schools shall be closed based on the directive of EDB/ HKO.
  • Once the decision to close schools is announced, local plans will be implemented for the safe release of students.
Lowering of Typhoon Signal No. 8: As schools are closed, students will not return to the campus.


  • Parents should refer to radio or television (or consult the EDB website) to receive announcements on the closure of schools.

Rainstorm Warnings

Rainstorm Warning System Action to be taken
AMBER School will operate as normal
RED OR BLACK (i) Before school hours
  • If a Black or Red Rainstorm Warning is hoisted before school hours, students should stay at home.
(ii) During normal school hours
  • If a Black or Red Rainstorm Warning is hoisted during normal school hours, students should stay in school.
  • Students should only leave the school when the Rainstorm Warning is lowered to Amber or canceled.
(iii) During school closure time
  • If a Black or Red Rainstorm Warning remains hoisted at the end of the school day, students and
    staff members should remain on the school campus.
  • No student shall be allowed to leave campus if a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, except if released directly to their parent or guardian.
  • Schools will communicate with parents to advise that pick up during this time is not necessary and that travel should be avoided.
  • Once the Black or Red Rainstorm Warning has been lowered to Amber or less, students can be released as they would normally be under an Amber signal or collected by a parent or guardian.


  • Please see the below leaflet provided by the Education Bureau HERE about actions on rainstorm warnings.


It should not be assumed that the above procedures will hold for those taking examinations e.g. GCSE, A Level or International Baccalaureate Diploma.

Parents will be advised about contingency plans for extreme weather by the schools in their communications to parents on examination arrangements. Parents are advised to keep these arrangements easily available should such conditions arise. All schools will follow common procedures for each session of such examinations.

In extreme weather please do not telephone your child’s school unless it is absolutely necessary.
Please refer to the ESF or school website.

Policy For Activities

In the interest of your children’s safety, and in accordance with the guidelines of the EDB and Hong Kong Observatory, lessons will be cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions.
No refunds will be given.  Where possible, participants will be advised of rescheduled ‘make up’ classes.

External Links:

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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