26 Oct 2018

AWE survey result

South Island School

1st School Wellbeing Report

Students should all have received their AWE survey result by Monday. The results are broken down into different components and these have been interpreted as charts and graphs. There is an overall Appendix with questions and answers that students might have. As well as this there are three pages of resources (apps, books and websites) which we feel are very useful to refer to.

We are trying to create a culture of valuing wellbeing, taking personal responsibility and having conversations with others. Students should read the report to help them be more self-aware and make positive changes for themselves, possibly using the suggested resources above. We are encouraging students to share and have discussions about their results with their parents and have conversations about how they feel. Having a support network of family, friends and their Tutor is also essential. If any student has had an ‘Alert’ flagged up by their responses then they were asked if they could alert us at school and students have agreed to actions being taken. In these cases Tutors are starting to have conversations with individuals. Another great website for students to explore:   https://au.reachout.com/

From our overall student results we have not had any surprises. We had had breakdowns of Happiness, Resilience, Satisfaction with Life, Health, Satisfaction that school supports student wellbeing and lastly Bullying. The results from all of these areas are what we would be expecting. The main focus of the AWE Assessment is to track changes in student wellbeing overtime and to be able to determine how effective our wellbeing initiatives have been. To be able to do this we will be redoing the survey in March 2019.

We will be following up some of the messages from the survey in our Pastoral Learning Curriculum that takes place on Tuesday mornings and of course, we will be having private conversations with any student who appears to need this.


Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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