29 Nov 2019

A special week for SIS

From the Principal:

Every so often, a week comes around that makes me especially proud to be the Principal of SIS. In fact, this happens quite regularly … and this week was definitely one of those weeks.

This week has seen many successes, and two very special ones. If you have been watching this space, you will be aware that the cast and crew of The Mill on the Floss have been rehearsing seriously hard in whatever gaps between other schedules have proved possible. And so, as I arrived for the show yesterday evening, I was expecting a good performance, perhaps even a very good one, knowing just how hard the team have been working.

What I was not fully prepared for was a mind-blowing two hours of utterly gripping and intensely believable drama, delivered to a professional standard – a quite exceptional show that left the audience completely transfixed for every minute. To pull out a performance like this in any year would be remarkable … but to reach this standard in November 2019 …!

One exceptional highlight is more than enough to declare this a special week – but yesterday I enjoyed two. I was fortunate enough to arrive at the show fresh off the team bus from the boys’ Hong Kong Schools Rugby Union final – an all ESF final at KGV, against KGV. This was an excellent and finely poised match until the last quarter, when SIS began to run away with the game – and so lifted the cup! However, for me, my own greatest source of pride was not SIS winning the game – it was the respect, the dignity and the sportsmanship shown by both teams, and the hospitality of KGV in hosting SIS and its supporters club, and giving us such a great welcome. Congratulations, also, to the five SIS students who will shortly be travelling to Dubai for the Dubai 7s tournament, representing ESF.

And that’s not all! I have highlighted two very special successes, but after the complexities of the last two weeks, it would have been very easy for the majority of our students to drift back into school somewhat demotivated. But no! The energy, the enthusiasm, and the positivity of our students has been highly infectious, and the spirit around the school has lifted everyone for what will hopefully be an excellent run through to a well-deserved Christmas break.

Congratulations, South Island School! You continue to raise the bar higher and higher.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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