28 Apr 2023

Monthly Newsletter (April 2023)

>  Principal’s Message
>  Upcoming Events & Information
>  Making A Difference
Phase Year 7-9
Phase Year 10-11
Phase Year 12-13
April Weekly Newsletters
Reminders & Upcoming Events

Principal’s Message


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Another month has come to an end and once again we get to celebrate the wonderful events and achievements that have taken place at our school over the past month. Firstly, I am thrilled to announce that tonight we will be holding our International Evening. This event is a celebration of our diverse school community.  In anticipation of the event, we encouraged everyone to come dressed in their cultural attire to showcase the rich and varied cultures that our students and staff come from (check out the photos below). The evening promises to be fantastic with incredible performances by our talented students, so make sure to come along and show your support.

Speaking of student talents, I am also incredibly proud of our Year 9 students who have been leading community projects. Their hard work and dedication to making a positive impact on our local community is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that they will continue to achieve great things in the future.

It is also worth mentioning the academic and sporting achievements of our students. It is always fantastic to see our students pushing themselves to achieve their goals, and I am thrilled to see so many of them excelling in their studies and on the sporting field. It is a testament to their hard work and determination.

Last night we held our Curriculum Evening where parents were given an opportunity to learn more about our school’s Individuals and Socities curriculum (InSOC) through an engaging escape room experience. It was a great night, and I hope that everyone who attended found it informative and enjoyable.

Finally, I would like to wish our Year 11 and 13 students the very best of luck as they begin their exams. We know that they have been working hard to prepare, and we have every confidence in their abilities.

Thank you all for your ongoing support of our school. It is a privilege to work in such a support community.

Carolyn Andrews

Interim Principal

Upcoming Events & Information


We are in the process of building the MaD Week Programme for next year. This is quite exciting for us, as MaD Week is an important part of South Island School culture and values programme. After 3 years of a modified MaD Week for the students, we are thrilled to be able to offer a regular MaD programme similar to what we provided prior to Covid. The MaD Week programme is as follows:

  • Year 7: Onsite at school and at Camp
  • Year 8-10: Local or Overseas experience
  • Year 11: Work Experience. (However, we will be offering an Overseas Trip Experience with the year 12s since the year 11 students have missed the ability to travel overseas due to Covid)
  • Year 12: Local or Overseas experience
  • Year 13: Study Leave

In the last few months, our planning and preparation for the overseas trips have indicated that travel expenses (particularly flights) are much more costly now than they were 4 years ago. The average cost that we offered in 2019 was around HK$13,500. In 2023, the trips that we historically offered are now approximately HK$19,500, with an average increase of 44%.

We, of course, will offer local trips for those students and parents opting to stay in Hong Kong. However, for parents planning to enrol their child on an overseas trip, we would like to know parents’ views on their comfort level regarding the cost of overseas trips. Please complete the very quick survey below before May 2, 2023.

MaD Week 2023 Overseas Trips Costs



We look forward to meeting Year 10-12 parents at our next coffee morning event on Tuesday, 2 May. We hope this upcoming event will provide a casual opportunity for parents to talk with other families about any topics or questions regarding their child(ren)’s learning at SIS. 



To celebrate cultural diversity within our community, students and staff shared their culture by dressing in colours or costumes that celebrated their culture!  This event was in support of International Evening being held later today.  We will share highlights of the evening in next week’s newsletter.



Making A Difference


Staff may have noticed that a new A4 laminated poster has gone into tutor bases. The talented Sophia Yim (10M2) designed the poster and supports the  Digital Leadership Council (DLC)- led push to remind students and staff about classroom technology use expectations. 

The DLC is working on a new system for technological infringements, which will act much like the Uniform Tracker on the VLE. This will start in August 2023 with a focus on Year 7 students. Each student will be asked to qualify with a ‘driving license’ for their laptops in school. Like a driving license, this will come with points. Student infringements reported via a Google Form will result in a loss of points. If the student loses all of their points, it will trigger a re-induction process involving the student’s parents, conducted by a DLC representative. This re-induction process will lead to a contractual agreement between the student and parents, which will hopefully offer support to both stakeholders and avoid continuing the same problems at home and in school. I’ll explain this process in more detail closer to the beginning of this pilot initiative. 

As always, you can continue supporting the DLC by asking students to put mobile phones in their bags at the start of lessons while closing tabs on their laptops, which is likely to cause distractions. 



The Year 9 students have been busy with their Community Projects over the past few weeks.  They’ve worked hard to make a difference and have taken some fantastic action in our community!

Here are some highlights of the students’ projects.

  • Ayati Vineeth and Sabrina Zhang – Developed teamwork with Year 7 students by teaching them a Spark game.
  • Adrian Ng, Dylan Macrobert and Jake Mann – Completed beach cleanups and created guides for people to follow. 
  • Marcus Tiu, Jayden Chan, and Jennifer Fung – Completed bread runs and created posters to raise awareness about food waste.
  • Christopher Lo, Zac Leung, Marcus Lo – Taught students in Year 2 and Year 3 at Peak School about the importance of exercise. Developed and taught a program that included warm-ups, showed them some exercises to do at home and played some organised games. 

  • Jeff Yeung, Maxi Hurle, Ethan Lui – Provide entertainment for the elderly people at elderly homes, such as playing board games, doing art or working on puzzles.
  • Charlize Lau and Sophie Lau – Made cookies and donated the money raised to Impact HK. 
  • Will Ip, Christian Li, and Daniel Li – Picked up rubbish and taught as many people as possible about keeping the beach clean. Provided access to rubbish bins to many locals around the Shek O area and provided information about how they can take action. 
  • Audrey Leung, Victoria Archibald and Averie Chan – Taught an after-school program at the Peak School for Year 5 and 6 students to improve their organisational skills and to make their transition to secondary school easier.

  • Brandon Wong, Rose Steicke and Jae Won Shin – Created a board game called ClineNopoly, like Monopoly, which uses areas of South Island School to teach sustainable solutions to SIS students. 
  • Ronith Borthakur and Yuna Sato –  Presented to a Primary 4 class on disabilities and athletes with disabilities. Taught activities to help the students empathize with people who have disabilities.  
  • Ian Ho, Adrian Cheung, and Lucas Hung – Participated in bread runs for Breadline by collecting leftover bread in stores like 7-11, and Maxim’s Cakes. They packed 300-400 goody bags at a local centre for the organisation to distribute. 
  • Josephine Lau, Milla Froidevaux and Daniella Wu – Held a bake sale and raised $100 for a dog shelter and volunteered at the shelter to look after abandoned dogs.
  • Anabelle Tam, Emma Sien and Vedika Sreejesh – Organised healthy eating week at SIS by creating different games for Years 7-9s in the Space at breaktimes.

You can follow us on our SIS Community Project Instagram here instagram.com/sis_communityprojects to support the Year 9 students and their goals.


Phase Year 7-9

Message from Head of Phase Year 7-9:


Year 8 SLC – students and parents had the chance to connect with teachers and discuss the year 8 curriculum. This was a great way to discuss the progress of year 8 students and set targets for the upcoming term. 

Year 7 InSoc. –  students have been investigating the ‘state of our school’ as part of an environmental study in the InSoc lessons. As such, they have been collecting and recording information around the school site and tackling students and staff about their rubbish collection and disposal approach. It’s great to see the level of interest and responsibility. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by AJ] (7M2) and Kyle Lee ( 7N2) about rubbish and recycling issues at SIS. I look forward to seeing some of their recommendations once they have completed their assignment.

Y9 PLC has been focusing on preparing students for GCSE, focusing on Organisation and Building good well-being habits.




As part of their action for the Yr. 9 Community Project, Vedika, Anabelle and Emma have been promoting healthy eating with games and activities in the Space with the Yr 7/8’s. Seeing many Year 9’s busy around school with their projects has been wonderful. 

We also saw a group of students ( Christopher Lo, Zac Leung, Marcus Lo)  continue their partnership with Peak School this month, running games and exercises for 30 Year 3 students. 

Year 8 Interhouse – The year 8 students demonstrated excellent enthusiasm, skill and sportsmanship in the frisbee and benchball interhouse. There were some nail-biting games, and all the tutor groups performed brilliantly to represent their house!

DEI Student Council met earlier this month to review the outcome of the student survey sent out in Term 2, which highlighted what the student community felt SIS was doing well to address DEI concerns and issues and what we could do to improve. More than 230 students completed the survey, and the feedback was very positive about how inclusive they thought the school was. Still, the consistent message regarding improvement was around us, increasing how we celebrate diversity further at SIS. This will be the main focus for the DEI Council this term as they collect student voices from their tutor groups about what aspects of Diversity the community would like us to celebrate more and how we should do it.

Congratulations to Jay Park 8C1 who recently competed in the JSSL Singapore football 7’s. This is one of the biggest youth football tournaments in Asia, with over 450 teams from 17 different countries participating.  Jay’s team finished 2nd in the U13 competition. Jay’s team also competed in the Nike Cup in March and again finished 2nd place.  Well done Ja

Year 8 PLC – In the PLC this week, students discussed the use of technology and the pros and cons of gaming. They explored how gaming can be positive for social interactions; however, striking a balance between virtual and real-life interactions is essential. Other ways to form connections in person are joining extra-curricular activities, sports and board games in the Space during break times. 

To help provide respite from the high energy and noise that can occur in the Space during breaks and lunchtime, we have created an area where Family Bauhinia students can enjoy a bit of calm and quiet while still being supervised by staff on duty.




Syrita Nicholas

Head of Phase (Year 7-9)

Phase Year 10-11

Message from Head of Phase Year 10-11:


For our Year 11 students, I want to remind you that your IGCSE exams have begun, and we wish you all the best of luck as you showcase your learning and hard work. I am confident you will perform exceptionally well and achieve your deserved grades. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and care for your well-being.

For our Year 10 students, you are reaching the halfway point of your IGCSE courses and sitting your internal assessments. These assessments will indicate how you have settled into your subjects and where to focus your efforts going forward. I encourage you to stay focused, work hard, and prioritise your well-being during this important time.


It has been wonderful to see so many of our Year 11 students taking part in interviews for the various leadership positions available next year. I hope this process is rewarding and helps you develop your leadership skills and experiences. Remember, being a leader is not just about having a title or position but also about setting a positive example and supporting others.

I also want to remind you that supporting charitable endeavours is important to our school values. We encourage you to get involved in our various charity events, such as the International Evening taking place this Friday, 28 April, from 5.30 pm. This is an excellent opportunity to celebrate cultural diversity and support a good cause. We hope to see many of you there.


Finally, I want to remind you to prioritise your well-being during this busy time. Remember to take breaks, practice self-care, and reach out for support if needed. We have several resources and initiatives to support your mental and physical health, so please do not hesitate to utilise them.


Laura Beaumont

Head of Phase (Year 10-11)

Phase Year 12-13

Message from Head of Phase Year 12-13:


On 20 April, all our Year 12 students spent a day off-timetable engaging with the Core elements of their programmes. For Diploma Programme (DP) students, this was the Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and Creativity Activity Service (CAS). The CAS session allowed them to update their portfolios, and the EE session focused on developing a good essay plan and a provisional introduction. For Career-related Programme (CP) students, they spent the day engaging with their Reflective Project (RP), CAS, and a cooking activity for the language development (LD) part of their course of study. As you can see from the past few sentences, our Senior School at SIS is a busy, acronym-filled time, and we hope these Core Days will provide them with the space, support, and opportunity to be the best they can be in this challenging but rewarding course of study.

The Year 13 students had their last day of school on 21 April. They participated in various activities to celebrate their time at South Island School, culminating with a joyful and laughter-filled assembly with lunch and an emotional last procession off campus. We wish them all the best as they revise for their final exams, which begin on Friday, 28 April, with Business Management HL & SL.


Despite all this busyness, our senior school students continue to make us proud with how they put their values into action in our South Island community. Maison house leaders ran their MAD Week in April, which raised money for the Malaria Consortium. Our House Leadership teams also began the process of passing on to the next generation of leaders as the recruitment process for next year’s teams continued. 

Year 12 students also played a big role in International Evening on 28 April to raise money for the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK). Well done to Joyce, Enoch, Marcus, Sophia, and Lincoln!



Emily Chong (13C2), the youngest KF1 World Championship belt winner, won another intense professional Muay Thai match on 22 April 2023. On top of studying for her upcoming IB exams, Emily has been training extremely hard to prepare for this big match. Emily’s determination and effort are unbelievable and admirable. We wish her the best of luck with her journey to becoming a world champion!


Well-being is at the centre of everything our teachers do here at South Island, so seeing how much it is valued amongst our student body is lovely. Over the past few weeks, a group of Year 12 students have been coming into school on Tuesday mornings to complete the Mental Health First Aid with our social worker Kamy. We now have 35 Year 12 students who have achieved this certification! The most recent group is:

12B1: Chloe Chun, Izzy Pawlyn, Tae Kang-Stewart, Timmy Yoo

12B2: Adam Chan, Emily Kwon, Rowan Gurung, Varshini Jairam

12C2: Lucas Chan, Samela Ng

12K1: Liam Li

12M1: Jasmine Lee

12M2: Kira Ball

12N1: Dayeon Lee, Destiny Lung, Erin Ko

12N2: Sean Lee, Sherman Ling, Miki Bragge

Hin-Hey Lam

Head of Phase (Year 12-13)


April Weekly Newsletters

  • 24 April – 28 April 2023


Congratulations to Kenta Nambu, Javan Chen, Joyce Chum and Sean Hata Wong for running a very successful case study competition at SIS on Sunday 23rd April. They managed to recruit 4 external judges from the local business community who provided excellent advice to our enthusiastic students on how to present effectively. The judges were particularly impressed by how well-organized the event was. Well done to the winner,  Jay Ooi, who delivered a very confident presentation. A special thank you to our parent judges –  Herman Ng, Alfonso Ballesteros, Peter Milliken and Conrad Ho for supporting the students so well.




Friday 21st April, saw the end of a challenging and exciting cooking competition for our SIS students. The heats started back in December 2022, and students battled it out for a place in the final last week. We welcomed head chef Cheung Chok Ho from the International Culinary Institute in Pok Fu Lam to support Mr Roberts and Ms Lewis in judging the final dishes. It was a close race indeed! For the final, the students were tasked with creating a high-end restaurant dish showcasing protein use. All student’s entries were both delicious and creative.

Our winners for the Junior entry saw Katelyn Kam and Audrey Chan in 8M1 creating a beautiful starter dish of scallops with pozole sauce and spicy salad. The runners-up, Patrick Lau and Carissa Sudershwaran in 7B1, made a wonderful fusion dish of Chicken Satay with Wellington-style pastry casing. 

Our winner for the Senior category saw Matthew Wines in 12S2 create a delicious feast for the eyes with delicate basil-infused crisps, caramelised charred scallops and pesto butter. Runner up in this category, Maxwell Miller in 10N1 created spiced pilaf rice with pork tenderloin on spiced apple sauce.

Matthew Wines will now go forward to the ESF chef finale in June, where he will compete against the other ESF schools’ winners. The grand prize being gifted by the Restaurant chain “Black Sheep”. 

To all our competitors this year, we thank you and congratulate you for a successful competition, and we look forward to seeing you again next year.



The InSoc faculty hosted a Curriculum Evening on Thursday, April 27th, to allow stakeholders to learn about the range of subjects taught in InSoc. This included material exploring the nature of Geography, History, Psychology, Philosophy, Economics, Business Studies, Global Politics and Environmental Systems & Societies. The material presented also focused on MYP (Middle Years Programme) InSoc and Global Citizenship, aiming to showcase the value of these two core subjects to our community. 

During the Curriculum Evening, we modelled the importance of inquiry-based learning and student-centred approaches to teaching and learning. This was achieved by setting up an escape room challenge, a fun and engaging way for participants to experience such methodologies firsthand. Those taking part had to visit different InSoc subjects and solve mini-challenges to learn about the subject material and methods we use in our InSoc disciplines. 

We want to thank all teachers, students, parents and guardians involved in the Curriculum Evening. Their active involvement and support for the InSoc faculty were essential to the event’s success, and we hope they enjoyed the experience. 




On Wednesday 26th April 2023, we were invited to the DELF Award Ceremony, which was held at 18:00 at the official residence of the Consul General of France.  Vincent Poirieux of Year 11 was awarded his DELF Junior B2 exam, scoring the highest in Hong Kong for this certificate!  This certificate, DELF, also known as the Diploma of French Language Studies, is issued by the French Ministry of Education, and it is internationally recognised. Students who undertake these courses commit to doing so in their free time with the support of the French Department here at SIS.   This exam is designed to assess the communicative skills of a candidate in a real-life situation using authentic documents. It prompts the students to challenge themselves linguistically and allows them to immerse themselves in francophone culture. 

Félicitations, Vincent! We are very proud of you!




Congratulations to Alyssa Hayward (11N1), who performed at the Dance World Cup (Asian) competitions in March.  Alyssa achieved a merit award for her contemporary piece. Amazing job Alyssa!




The C Grade Netball team headed to Kellett on Wednesday for their semi-finals. After coming second in their pool, they were up against the winners (Kellett School) of Pool 2.

Kellett started the first quarter, which our girls took a little time to respond to. Kellett repeatedly turned the ball over midcourt and scored off these turnovers taking us to a score of 7-1 to Kellett after the first quarter. Our girls re-grouped and stepped up in the second quarter, working hard defensively and moving the ball quickly and smoothly down the court, allowing the shooters to quickly score 7 goals (whilst Kellett scored 5), bringing the score to a close 12-8 to Kellett at half time. 

SIS maintained their strong play through the third and fourth quarters, but Kellett played exceptionally in the last quarter, increasing their lead to finish the game with a score of 26-15. Adelaide Williamson was awarded MVP by Kellett, whilst the coaches player and the player’s player vote goes to Kiana Lin.  The girls now head into the 3rd place play-off against Heep Yun School, who beat us during the pool rounds, but let’s see if we can bring home the bronze medal this time!

Back row L to R: Ruby Ramsay, Zoe Villemuer, Lois Lui, Giselle Hung, Kiana Lin,

Front row L to R: Adelaide Williamson, Maggie Dowding, Louise Lindsay, Mia Tilbury



On Saturday, 22nd April 2023, the B grade girls’ badminton team competed in our final matches against other teams in the HKSSF Division 2. In our first match of the day, the team played an impressive game against Ying Wa Girls’ School, although, unfortunately, we lost 0-3. In our second match, the team could not win due to an administrative error, but we still played well and showcased our skills. Despite the setback, the B-grade girls finished the match in good spirits and demonstrated great sportsmanship. The team ultimately came in 4th overall in Division 2 this year.

On the same morning, the C-grade girls’ badminton team competed in their final matches against other teams in the HKSSF Division 2. During the day’s first match, the team played an impressive game against Munsang College, making it a memorable match despite losing 2-3. Later in the day, they played against Ying Wa Girls’ School and won 3-1, displaying their skills and determination. The C-grade girls ended the matches with a strong finish, claiming third place overall in Division 2 this year.

Special thanks to all parents and teachers who came to support.

B grade girls team:

Evelyn Zhu, Gladys Tsang, Rachel Kok, Esther Au Yeung, Kate Tsang, Adyya Tiwari, Abigail Wong


C grade girls team:

Cordelia Lee, Abby Lee, Adelynn Chan, Bianca Iong, Belmira Iong

Genie Lo, Karissa Chan, Hailey Yuen


Linked below are this month’s weekly newsletters:

Reminders & Upcoming Events


  • Monday, 1 – Public Holiday: Labour Day
  • Monday, 1 – Year 10 Internal Assessments Continues
  • Tuesday, 2 – PTA Coffee Morning For Year 10-12 Parents – sign up HERE
  • Tuesday, 2 – Year 9 1:1’s
  • Thursday, 4 – Year 11 Dinner Dance
  • Friday, 5 – Year 11 Last Day
  • Wednesday, 10 – Year 8 RSE Morning
  • Monday, 15 – Year 12 Internal Assessments 
  • Friday, 19 – Business Day
  • Tuesday, 23 – Year 13 Commencement
  • Thursday, 25 – Year 13 Dinner Dance
  • Friday, 26 – Public Holiday: The Birthday of the Buddha
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 11 Fine Art Exhibition
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 9 RSE Morning
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 6 New Parent Evening


  • Friday, 2 – Year 6 Transition Day
  • Friday, 2 – Year 12 CV and Interview Workshop
  • Monday, 5 – GCSE Exhibition Opening
  • Thursday, 8 – Year 12 CORE Day
  • Friday, 9 – Swim Gala
  • Monday 12 – Language Week
  • Wednesday, 14 – Year 9 Community Project
  • Wednesday, 14 – Year 12 RSE Morning
  • Thursday, 15 – SIS Film and Media Awards
  • Friday 16- Term 3: Last Day of Activities
  • Friday, 16 – Year 10 to Year 12 Bahay, Mason and Maison Assembly
  • Friday, 16 – Year 9, Year 10 and Year 12 Careers Afternoon
  • Tuesday, 20 – Family Bauhinia Assembly
  • Thursday, 22 – Public Holiday: Dragon Boat Festival
  • Friday, 23 – Year 10 to Year 12 Casa, Namas and Shtepi Assembly
  • Friday, 30 – Whole School Assembly
  • Friday, 30 – Last Day of School


If your son or daughter has a particular highlight or achievement you would like to share with the community, please email a short description and photo to: ebulletin@sis.edu.hk 

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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