30 Mar 2023

Monthly Newsletter (March 2023)

>  Principal’s Message
>  Upcoming Events & Information
>  Making A Difference
Phase Year 7-9
Phase Year 10-11
Phase Year 12-13
March Weekly Newsletters
Reminders & Upcoming Events

Principal’s Message

As we come to the end of this term, I want to reflect on an essential skill, resilience.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from difficult situations and to adapt to change. It’s an essential skill we all need to develop, particularly in challenging times. And this term, we’ve seen plenty of challenges.

But despite the obstacles we’ve faced, I’m proud to say that we’ve all shown remarkable resilience. We’ve tackled challenging coursework, navigated complex relationships, and coped with the stress of uncertainty. And we’ve done it all with determination, persistence, and grace.

One of the most inspiring things about resilience is that it doesn’t just help us overcome our own challenges; it also enables us to make a difference in the world around us. When we’re resilient, we’re better equipped to face the challenges affecting our communities, countries, and planet.

This term, we have been provided with many opportunities to develop this critical skill. Most recently:

  • The students who put themselves forward for leadership positions and were not successful in securing a spot on the team
  • The students who auditioned for talent shows, productions, and special events and were not cast
  • The students who work so hard on science experiments, art projects and presentations only to find they must start over
  • The teachers who try a new approach to teaching and learning and it does not go according to plan

We are fortunate to learn and work in a community that offers these opportunities in a safe ‘play space’.  One where we can fail and be surrounded by people who will help us see our worth and encourage us to try again.  So, I encourage our community to keep trying. Use your resilience to tackle the challenges that matter to you, and don’t be afraid to take bold action to create positive change.

As we move into the next term, I look forward to seeing how we will continue to demonstrate our resilience and make a difference in the world. I do not doubt that we’ll face new challenges and setbacks, but I’m confident we’ll meet them with the same determination and resilience we’ve shown this term.

Thank you all for your support this term, and I wish you a restful, happy and healthy holiday.

Carolyn Andrews

Interim Principal

Upcoming Events & Information

(1) HEAD PREFECT TEAM 2023-2024

We are delighted to announce our Head Prefect Team for the next academic year. Congratulations to the eight students who underwent a rigorous recruitment process to become next year’s team. We would also like to say well done to the other student candidates who were also exceptional! 

Our Head Prefect team plays a vital role each year, assisting staff with daily duties around the school, with Parent’s Evenings, School Concerts and other performances and events. They form an integral part of the school’s leadership and attend School Council, Student Council and PTA Meetings to represent the student body and make a difference in the school community.


International Evening is a student-led charity event in South Island School to celebrate the strong cultural diversity of our community. Over the 15+ years this event has been run, we have seen a fantastic range of performances, each bringing their cultural heritage. This year, we are ecstatic to hold International Evening live in person on 28th April (Friday), 2023. Our theme for this year is “SYNERGY” — how the combined power of individuals produces a greater effect, representing the strengths of our multicultural community. Join us for a fun and memorable night featuring a wide range of cultures and talents! 

All our proceeds from the event will be donated to ADAHK (Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong). This organisation promotes equal opportunities and inclusivity for people with disabilities in the artistic field of Hong Kong. Tickets are available to purchase via the school’s online shop HERE.


Maison MaD Week this year will be from April 17-21 (i.e. first week back from Easter break). It will be aimed at raising awareness for Malaria while supporting the charity Malaria Consortium. The team has planned several activities to help reach their aims (below). Well done Maison House team, for the excellent work in organising a fantastic week of activities straight after Easter break.


  • Coffee Morning – Year 10-12 Parents

We look forward to meeting Year 10-12 parents at our next coffee morning event on Tuesday, 2 May. We hope this upcoming event will provide an excellent and casual opportunity for parents to talk with teachers, Heads of Departments and other families about any topics or questions they may have regarding their child(ren)’s learning at SIS. More information and signup for this event will be shared soon.

  • PTA Administrator Job Vacancy: 

The PTA Committee is looking for an administrator. This is a full-time role during term time, with some additional work in August. SIS PTA stages several social and fundraising events each year and supports the school and parent community to benefit all South Island School students. If you want to apply for this PTA administrator role, please find more information HERE.


Spring break provides much-needed rest and relaxation, but we understand this can also be a demanding time for families.  The school term officially ends on Friday 31 March. Please note: In times of crisis or emergency, school staff should not be the first point of contact over the holidays. Below is a list of agencies families can access. Our school counselling services will resume at the start of the term in April.

  1. A summary guide to support in Hong Kong  
  2. Mental Health Support in Hong Kong
  3. Directory of support in Hong Kong
  4. SIS Well-Being Toolkit

Making A Difference


One of the highlights this term for the LS wellbeing class has been the focus on healthy eating. The students have been using organic produce grown by the LS Horticulture Team. Not only care for their health and well-being, but the students also look after each other in the SIS community. On Friday 31 March, the students shared their passion and produce with Ms Andrews while supporting her well-being by eating healthy food while busy taking care of everyone at SIS. Well done everyone!

This is just one example of the great things students have been doing this term –  we are pleased to share the brilliant Learning Support (LS) newsletter from the Individual Needs department, where you can read more below:


On Friday 24 March, we were delighted to welcome the return of Innovation XVI, our student-led fashion event. This year’s theme was ‘Epiphany’, and the show was a stunning display of creativity featuring fashion, music and entertainment. Showcasing fashion designs by Ashley Kan, Stefanie Lau, Offgod and sponsored lines from Frey, Stella Blu, Fashion by Anastasia Krasavtseva (KSRV) and many more!

The models captivated the audience as they strutted down the runway, each outfit showcasing the designer’s unique vision behind it. It was a truly inspiring event that left everyone feeling inspired and excited about the future of fashion.

The event raised a fantastic total of HK$35,558 for the charity Mother’s Choice, a local organisation serving many children without families and pregnant teenagers in Hong Kong. Thank you to the Innovation Head Team, Vivienne Chung (13B2) and Creamy So (13S1), Mr Alain Sama and Ms Laura Beaumont for coordinating this spectacular event.


On Friday 31 March, the school ended Term 2 with a great assembly for the whole school in the Hall. There were speeches, performances and the announcement of next academic year’s Head Prefects! Big thank you to the Head Prefect Team and Ms Lucie Purves for arranging a fantastic way to end the term!


This week, the Bahay House team has partnered with Habitat for Humanity, a charity that works to improve living conditions and homes in Hong Kong and worldwide. The house team has planned and implemented a range of fun activities for the community to raise awareness for their charity, including Lego and cardboard building, video promotions, brainstorming sessions and a Dress Casual day. 

Well done to the Bahay House Team for their brilliant work organising a wonderful activity week.

Phase Year 7-9

Message from Head of Phase Year 7-9:


The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council helped to create resources for a whole school PLC to celebrate International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Tuesday 21 March. It opened up discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion and gave our student body a voice towards the DEI council agenda for Term 3. 

Throughout Terms 1 and 2, the total number of POS commendations received by Family Bauhinia is 4450. They have been awarded across all subjects and in every category, including Making a Difference, enthusiastic participation and outstanding work. Congratulations to all students for their commitment to learning and contribution to our school community.


School Tour 

Once again, our Year 9 prefects made a stand-out impression on prospective parents who viewed the school for a presentation and tour on Friday 17 March. The Year 9 prefects who took part gave informative and welcoming tours for these groups of parents.

Talent Show

Throughout the past couple of weeks, students who signed up to try out for the talent show have been carrying out their auditions. The Year 9 prefect judges have had an incredibly hard role in deciding the acts to make the final show, as all the performers have been incredible. 

The talent show took place on Thursday 30 March. The event was highly anticipated, showcasing the incredible talents of Year 7 to 9 students, from singing, dancing and even magic tricks. There was also a ‘Who is the Easter Bunny?’, just in time to welcome in the Easter Holidays. The show’s overall winner Hayden Choi (07M1), performed again at the End of term Assembly.

The show was a testament to our talented young performers’ diverse array of skills. Well done to all the students who participated in the show and auditioned. Thank you to the Family Bauhinia students and staff for a wonderful event!

  • Talent Audition Video:


Creative Arts Evening & IB Art Exhibition

Many Family Bauhinia students participated in the performing arts evening to open the IB art exhibition on Wednesday 22 March. The students were outstanding representatives for Family Bauhinia – their dedication, hard work and talent were clear to see. Well done on all of the excellent performances!

Student Council 

Thank you to all Family Bauhinia students who attended the Tuesday 28 March, whole school Student Council meetings on behalf of their tutor groups. A special thanks to the following Year 7 and 8 students who have shown excellent attendance and commitment to promoting student voice to the younger students: 

The upper school students collated a wishlist of things they would like to improve around the school.  And a meeting is planned with the leadership team in term 3 to discuss the collective wishes.


With the long-term ending, we hope you all take time for some well-earned well-being this Easter break. We hear that many of you are travelling, which is great to know that travel is becoming normality now for our SIS community. Travel is a great way to unwind, learn and have fun. 

We wish you a safe and pleasant holiday.

Syrita Nicholas

Head of Phase (Year 7-9)


Phase Year 10-11

Message from Head of Phase Year 10-11:


As we near the end of Term 2, our Year 10 students have settled into the I/GCSE phase.  Students have been working hard and will be able to show their progress in the upcoming Year 10 internal assessments, which will occur between Monday 24 April, and Friday 12 May.  Students are encouraged to check their google classroom and the internal assessment calendar to clarify what they should revise.  

As we think about curriculum progress, I was honoured to be able to attend the recent Pearson Outstanding Achievement Awards, where three of our former Year 11 students were celebrated for their results in French, Science, and Global Citizenship. The positive achievement of others can help motivate and inspire Year 10 and Year 11 students in their curriculum endeavours.

If you wish to learn more about what students do in the I/GCSE phase of the school, do look out for and attend our Curriculum Open Evenings.  So far, we have had Maths, Languages, Science, and English showcasing the work in I/GCSE lessons.  After the Easter break,  I encourage you to attend the Individuals & Societies faculty evening.


Our Year 11 students have been busy applying for leadership roles in the House Leadership Teams and our school councils.  Students can follow their passions and Make A Difference in areas such as Diversity & Inclusion, Sustainability, Digital Leadership, Sports, and many others.  

Many students have the confidence to do so after completing shadowing programmes that have taken place throughout this year.  To ensure our Year 10 students have the same opportunity, our Heads of House have created the Year 10 Deputy House Captains roles.  Seeing many Year 10 students putting themselves forward for these positions of responsibility has been fantastic.


We encourage all our students to look after their well-being by forming connections and having a solid support network.  We would like to ensure our whole community has this opportunity.  It has been lovely for me to attend the recent PTA coffee mornings.  This is an excellent opportunity for families to build those connections and support systems.  I hope to see many of you at the Year 10-12 coffee morning on Tuesday 2 May.

Have a restful break, everyone.

Laura Beaumont

Head of Phase (Year 10-11)

Phase Year 12-13

Message from Head of Phase Year 12-13:


One of my major highlights for this month was seeing the fantastic work the Year 13 Visuals Arts students put together in their final Exhibition on Tuesday 21 March. It was a lovely celebration of all they have accomplished and achieved over the two years of their IB journey. The evening was accompanied by fabulous music from outstanding musicians, many of whom are in Years 12 and 13. Mr Jolly highlighted Kathy Yan (13K2) for her final performance with the Jazz Band. 

This month has been full of accomplishments and “lasts” for the Year 13s. All Internal Assessments have now been completed, and I have heard and experienced sighs of relief from many students as they clicked those “submit” buttons for the final time. As their attention now turns to preparing for their exams, we wish them all the best. They have already accomplished more than they thought possible over these past two years, and we know they will continue to do so over these last two months.


As Year 13s devote themselves wholeheartedly to their studies over the next few weeks, our Year 12 students have begun properly taking on school leadership roles. I mentioned in January’s newsletter that the Year 12 prefects had begun shadowing the Year 13 prefects by taking over many of their roles (such as lunch and break duties). They have done this very responsibly. This month, Year 12 students underwent a rigorous recruitment process for the Head Prefect team, including a written application, campaign videos and voting, culminating in a gruelling interview process. Everyone who participated in the process should be commended for stepping out of their comfort zone and be very proud of what they have done – I know it was a tough decision for the committee.

The Innovation fashion show is another highlight from this month. You can read more about it above – I will just say that the leadership and initiative of our students continue to impress me daily. The challenge of putting their values into action on such a large and challenging project will serve them well in their future lives.


In terms of “lasts” for the Year 13s, this month also saw the final edition of one of the core parts of our program for them, the Sports and Leisure Programme. On the second-last week of term was an inter-house competition, bringing back memories of all their inter-house competitions on Friday afternoons since Year 7.

I began my section above by speaking about the Art Exhibition, so allow me to end on the same note. What stood out to me greatly that evening was how many students in Years 12 and 13 stayed late into the evening to support their friends. It speaks to the great community at South Island School and how much we appreciate strong relationships as an integral part of positive well-being. 

Hin-Hey Lam

Head of Phase (Year 12-13)


March Weekly Newsletters

  • 27 March – 31 March 2023


Ivan Lui (08K1) recently entered the 74th Hong Kong School’s Speech Festival and was awarded the first prize for his reading of two English poems. He was also placed in the top three in Mandarin. Well done Ivan – we are very proud of you!


We are proud to announce the following students have been selected for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme:

Student Research Project Title
Nellie Froidevaux (11K1)

Evaluation of Spine Using Three-dimensional (3D) Ultrasound
Calista Rosboch (11N1)

Design and Development of a Fuel Cell Powered Toy Car
Ashley Bertagnoli (11B1)


Development of a Self-driving Robot for Use in an Indoor Environment

The Programme will commence on 1 April 2023 and conclude in early August 2023. Students will join  sessions and actively participate in research. Upon fulfilling the programme’s requirements, a participation certificate will be awarded to each student at the Closing Ceremony, which is scheduled for mid-August 2023.


It is such a pleasure to visit future South Island School students. During a recent visit to Bradbury School, we met Grace, Eloise, and Claire, who wrote a book called ‘Magic Glasses’. The book was a result of the PYP inquiry for their exhibition. We were very impressed with all the exhibitions and look forward to working with these students next year.


To encourage a love of lifelong reading, the Chinese Department worked with the Learning Resources Centre to organise ‘The Chinese Battle of Books’ for 07CN101, 07CN106 and 08CN106 this year. These classes have successfully completed the competitions. The Year 7 students have read 10 articles, and the Year 8 students have read 12, and they have all gone through 4 days of battles in March. Congratulations to the winners, and well done everyone!

The following is the list of winners:

Year 7

The Winning Team –  Jenna Ng (07C2), Zoe Wang (07C1), Charli Cheung (07C2), Oceana Chan (07S2), Tina Hu (07B1), and Jayden Ho (07B1)

Best Image Design 

  • The Winner – Sarah Sum (07N2)
  • The 2nd place – Emma Hui (07S2)
  • The 3rd place – Jacob Fung (07N1)

Best Collaboration

  • 07CN101 – Oceana Chan (07S2), Isabelle Cheng (07S1), Elizabeth Li (07B2), Yung Wong (07S1), and Adrian Ng (07B2) 
  • 07CN106 – Alessia Chan (07N1), Eden Chok (07M1), Mike Wong (07K2), and Charlotte Kan (07N2)

Best Team Spirit – 07CN106

Year 8

The Winning Team – Helaine Chan (08K1), Edna Chow (08B1), Zita Lau (08K2), Chelsea Mok (08N1), Pak Yin Tong (08K2), and Mia Wong (08K1)

The Best Image Design – Helaine Chan (08K1)



The History Department led a trip on Friday 24 March to HKU Main Library for the Year 12 IB History students, where they were shown around the library’s facilities, collection and services by a tour guide. The main objective for this trip was to prepare the Year 12 students for their Internal Assessment and Extended Essay as part of the IBDP. Due to the link between SIS and HKU, students will be able to conduct research and access the facilities at HKU Main Library for their studies.


‘Can you spot which one is by a human and which is AI generated?’ (see the work HERE )

This question was posed to Year 10 in English. 

With the surge in AI and the IB supporting using AI as a tool, students are free to experiment with it as long as they cite their work. English students in Year 10 have been discussing and exploring the ethical use of AI in planning coursework responses. 

Year 10 have been working incredibly hard this term in English, culminating in a Critical Literary Essay on “Oedipus”. As part of their reflections and planning, Year 10 explored a range of AI-written responses to see if AI-generated content could get top marks. 

In discussing the AI-generated plans and essays, we all agreed that the essays had some interesting ideas and included relevant information in response to the prompts. However, the analysis and evaluation did not demonstrate a thorough understanding, nor were they able to address all the criteria on the mark scheme. To quote one student, they “read more like a plot summary”. 

So whilst we agreed that AI could help us generate ideas and find information, it was not yet capable of reaching that more profound level of understanding needed for top marks. 


For this end-of-month newsletter, we are delighted to interview two of our support staff, Ms Zita Yip, Exams Manager and Ms Hazel Tong, HR & Administration Officer. Zita and Hazel are excited to share information about their roles and responsibilities but also about their hobbies and interests – which you can read more below:


  • Netball

Congratulations to Jocelyn Li (11N1), Amelia Chow (11B2), Nia Gusain (11M2), Zoe Lim (11S2), and Samriddhi Rana (11C2) who were part of the HKS Thistle, Div 5 ladies who were crowned league champions, on the Saturday 25 March. 

The team wrote: 

“Our game resulted from our hard work throughout the netball season. We often only had the 5 of us playing on the court even though we needed 7. We all put in the effort as a team and persevered even when we felt we wouldn’t win. Our grand finals match at The Hong Kong Football Club was on 25 March and was one of our closest games. The HKU team was competitive and challenging to go against, as they were also at our capability level. At the end of the first quarter, HKU was up by one point. This made us want to push even harder to take the lead. Our defenders made many turnovers with their intercepts allowing the shooters to make their shots. We took the lead for the rest of the game and finished off with a score of 36-33. This experience of winning a division has taught us to keep being determined and work hard!”

  • Rugby

After a good season, SIS made it to the B Grade finals with KGV and Kellett on Thursday 23 March. First up was KGV, and SIS played some scintillating rugby in the first half to race out to a 24-0 lead. Even with the team winning, the defence didn’t let up, with Liam Gordon (10B1) holding the ball up over the try line. SIS kept up the intensity in the second half and ran out 39-0 winners. In the final, SIS played an undefeated Kellett School side. Despite some great defence, SIS conceded two tries and went into half-time 14-0. Playing back-to-back games took its toll in the second half, with Kellett scoring two more tries, but the day finished with a memorising run from Ethan Tse (11S2) and a try-of-the-season contender.

The team should be proud of finishing 2nd this season with plenty to build on next – well done boys! – Pietro Conti (11N1), Rudransh Vyas (11C1), Jacob Hui (10B1), Aidan Wong (10N1), Aidan Sullivan (11S1), Winson Jong (11B1), Hugo Teng (10N1), Ethan Tse (11S2), Julian Ing (11K1), Nicholas Keeley (10K2), Alvin Mak (10K2), Calum Tang (10B2), Rishaan Kulkarni (10K1), Liam Gordon (10B1), Enzo Wong (11B1), Admes Hung (11B1), Jongik Choi (10M2), Jayden Wai (10S2), and Aleric Hall (10M2).

The C grade Rugby team had their season finals on Saturday 25 March, at Kings Park. The boys were model sportsmen on and off the pitch on a challenging day. After disappointing results in the group games and some competition format controversies were resolved, SIS finished the day with a strong performance against Kellett 2, winning 42-12. 

The player of the day was Callum Hulme (08S1), who exemplified the best of SIS effort and attitude, giving strong performances defensively and on the attack. All the boys can be proud of their efforts this season and, indeed, were already planning their attack plays for next season – well done boys: Owen Chow (08K2), James Donald (08B1), Callum Hulme (08S1), Conor Knight (09M1), Leon Lane (08K1), Noa Lane (08K2), Andrew Mcquhae (08N2), Campbell Riddell (09C2), Rori Town (09B2), Maximilian Zavou (09K2) and Aidan Donovan (09N2).

  • Football

Our U14 Boys C Grade football squad travelled to Po Lam for their penultimate ‘home’ game in the HKSSF League. As the ‘home team,’ SIS had to sport their new pink bibs because of a kit clash with our opponents.  The game did not start positively, with Wah Yan College (WYK) scoring two goals in the first 4 minutes. Any hope of a comeback looked slim when WYK scored a third goal. SIS rallied together, pressed their opponent’s defence hard, and managed to claw back 2 goals before half-time, with Ambrose Wong and Shota Sato scoring shortly before half-time. At 3-2 down at half-time, the squad was full of optimism and belief for the second half. SIS were the best team in the second half and had lots of possession in their opponent’s half, but no more goals were scored at either end.  It looks like the squad will not qualify for the playoffs now, but they have one more game left for the season and are keen to finish with a victory.

Special mention goes to Andrew McQuhae (08N2), Owen Chow (08K2), Noa Lane (08K2) & Leon Lane (08K1), who played for the team after performing in the rugby earlier. Well done to the rest of the boys – Ian Ho (09K1), Brandon Wong (09N1), Daniel Li (09K1), Arley Webster (08B1), Jay Park (08C1), Shota Sato (08S2), Pax Pineda IV (09C2), Christopher Lo (09B2), Christian Li (09K1), Ambrose Wong (08M2), Issac Wong (08M1), and Sheldon Cheung (08S1).

It was a tense first half as SIS played against KGV on Monday 27 March.  Both sides played good football, but neither quite capitalised. SIS almost broke the deadlock with three corners in succession, resulting in three good saves from the opposition keeper. The second half was similar. The boys showed signs of fatigue, the final pass was loose, but their heads remained up. 

The tactical substitution took place with Markus Ip (12B1) replaced by Timo Choi (13S1), which added something different in midfield. A few challenges resulted in him picking up a yellow card. However, his presence was causing the opposition difficulties but still no goals for either side. 

Both teams continued to push with the fear of penalties looming in the back of their minds. The inevitable happened in the final whistle-penalty shootout.

Our fearless captain, Jamie Harvey (13K1), stepped up first, confidently scoring. Then Robbie McGraw (12K2) slotted home, followed by excellent penalties from Gary Lo (12N1) and Bo Smeets (13S2). The opposition missed again by cruelly hitting the post. Celebrations ensued. The debrief was as simple as the team talk – well done. See you all at the final! Final score 0-0 (4-3 penalty to SIS). Congratulations to Jamie Harvey (13K1), Adrian Chan (13M1), Darren Kim (13K2), Max Emmanual (13K1), Bo Smeets (13S2), Gary Lo (12N1), Robbie McGraw (12K2), Ashwin Heera (12C1), Timmy Yoo (12B1), Andrew Han (12S2), Jake Yan (13C2), Timo Choi (13S1), Cormac Byrne (12K1), Evan McGillivray (12B2) and Markus Ip (12B1). 

  • Badminton

On Wednesday 22 March, the SIS C grade boys badminton team had their third division one match of the year against Wah Yan College (WYK) Hong Kong at Sai Wan Ho Sports Centre.

The match got off to a rough start for SIS, with Bosco Fung (09C2) losing the first set of the first singles match by a close score of 20-22. In the first doubles match, Bosco paired up with Reeve Au (09B1), but they could not overcome their opponents’ strong performance, ultimately losing 11-22. Ryan Chen (07M2) then took the court for the second singles match, but despite his best efforts, he lost the set 2-21. With these losses, SIS fell to WYK by a score of 0-3.

In the remaining two sets of the match, Jasper So (08C1) and Samuel Siu (07N2) represented SIS in the second doubles match, while Samuel played in the third singles match. While SIS was not able to pull off a victory in the match, all players demonstrated exceptional skill and determination throughout the competition.

Despite the team’s best efforts, WYK proved to be a formidable opponent, with a strong performance across all matches. Overall, it was a challenging match that tested the limits of the SIS C grade boys’ badminton team’s abilities. Well done everyone!

The SIS C grade girls badminton team had their first knock-out finals match of the year against Canossa College at Smithfield Road Sports Centre on Thursday 23 March. In the first singles match, Cordelia Lee (09B1) dominated and won 4-21. Next, Bianca Iong (07M1) and Cordelia paired up for the first doubles match and convincingly won 6-21. Adelynn Chan (08B2) played close second singles match but unfortunately lost 21-19. However, Genie Lo (07M1) and Abby Lee (09C2) were determined to turn things around in the second doubles match, winning 9-21.

To wrap up the match, Abby played the fifth set, which was played as a friendly set. With these impressive wins, SIS won the match by 3-1. Overall, the SIS C grade girls’ badminton team performed exceptionally well against a strong opponent, showing great skill, teamwork, and sportsmanship – we are proud of you all!

Linked below are this month’s weekly newsletters:

Reminders & Upcoming Events


  • Monday, 1-14 (Term Break)
  • Monday, 1-14 – ESF Sports and Language Spring Sensation (Spring Camp) – more details HERE
  • Monday, 17-21 – Maison MaD Week 
  • Thursday, 20 – Year 12 CORE Day
  • Friday, 21 – Year 13 Last Day (The End)
  • Friday, 21 – SIS Chef Finals
  • Sunday, 23 – World Book Day
  • Monday, 24 – Year 8 Student Lead Conference
  • Monday, 24 – World Book Day Activities
  • Monday, 24 – Year 10 Internal Assessments
  • Thursday, 27 – Curriculum Evening (Individuals & Societies) – sign up coming soon. 
  • Friday, 28 – International Evening – tickets can be purchased HERE


  • Monday, 1 – Public Holiday: Labour Day
  • Monday, 1 – Year 10 Internal Assessments Continues
  • Tuesday, 2 – PTA Coffee Morning For Year 10-12 Parents
  • Tuesday, 2 – Year 9 1:1’s
  • Thursday, 4 – Year 11 Dinner Dance
  • Friday, 5 – Year 11 Last Day
  • Wednesday, 10 – Year 8 RSE Morning
  • Monday, 15 – Year 12 Internal Assessments 
  • Monday, 15 – Year 12 SEHS Testing
  • Friday, 19 – Business Day
  • Tuesday, 23 – Year 13 Commencement
  • Thursday, 25 – Year 13 Dinner Dance
  • Friday, 26 – Public Holiday: The Birthday of the Buddha
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 11 Fine Art Exhibition
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 9 RSE Morning
  • Wednesday, 31 – Year 6 New Parent Evening


If your son or daughter has a particular highlight or achievement you would like to share with the community, please email a short description and photo to: ebulletin@sis.edu.hk 

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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