(I)GCSE outcomes 2022

Despite the many disruptions faced by this cohort, including a large proportion of time spent learning online, exams still went ahead as normal in all subjects and with this in  consideration the class of 2022 delivered outstanding results.

As we can see from these outcomes, our students were very well supported by teachers to achieve their very best in difficult circumstances and prepare for exams when there was a lot of uncertainty about whether they would actually go ahead or not.

IGCSE Results – SIS 2022 

2022 results grading No of grades Mean Grade A*A / 9-7 A*-C /9-4
A* – G subjects 484 6.5 61% 94%
9-1 subjects 1333 7.3 73% 97%
Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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