12 May 2022

Debating Club

On April 30th, members of the SIS debating club took part in the Hong Kong Junior Individual Public Speaking Championships. The participants were Adyya Tiwari (9M1), Agastya Rekhi (8N1), Aiden Teng (9K2), Atree Sinha (9B1), Sophie Edwards (9K2). They gained valuable experience in a large-scale competition, and all received very positive and useful feedback from the judges. 

We are particularly proud of Aiden Teng, who won 3rd Place in the Persuasive Speaking category and placed 10th in the Interpretive Reading preliminaries in very impressive performances. Agastya Rekhi also placed an admirable 5th in the Persuasive Speaking preliminaries.

Congratulations to the speakers!

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