Issue No. 19 (6 May 2022)

5 May 2022

Community Projects

The Year 9 students have started The Community Project this term at SIS. It is the celebration and culmination of their learning and skills across a range of MYP subjects and is a required part of the IB MYP course.   It is also an initial step for our students to develop their understanding of service learning and the impact they can make within a community.

Students will need to apply their skills and knowledge to research and investigate a community issue, take action as a team and share their findings with others. The Year 9 students have chosen projects that are based on personal interests and goals.

Goals include:

  • raising awareness
  • participating actively
  • informing others
  • creating or innovating
  • changing behaviours 
  • advocating for the rights of others

Please follow the SIS Community Project instagram HERE to support the Year 9 students and their goals.

5 May 2022

Year 8 Chinese

To kick off the Year 8 Chinese Battle of the Books this year, students were working in groups to compete with each other in order to win in a number of games. It was great to see the full engagement from our students and their great passion for reading in Chinese. Year 8 students, well done for your participation and your great team spirit! Good luck with your next game in the coming weeks!

5 May 2022

Year 8 EAP

Year 8 EAP students last week took part in a paper plane folding and flying competition. Following on from reading a novel all about a boy who wins a paper plane competition in Australia, Year 8 students got to design and fly their very own planes.

The competition was fierce with some students favouring a ‘thin and sharp’ style for distance while others preferred a ‘low and flat’ shape to enhance gliding time. In the end, there were two clear winners, Jason Lee (08S1) and Zoe Sze (08N1). Congratulations to all competitors  – and don’t forget to keep creating great paper planes – you never know where they’ll take you!

5 May 2022

Year 12 IB Psychology

As part of their lessons, students have been learning about neurons in the brain. Neurons are a popular art subject surprisingly, and here are some artistic renderings by some of our talented Year 12 students over the Easter Break!  


5 May 2022

Model United Nations

A number of SIS students attended DBS MUN last weekend. Josh Lim (12S2) did very well once again, and he was awarded best speaker representing Iran and Japan in the Historical Security Council. Well done Josh!

5 May 2022

WWF Big Bird Race

Congratulations to James Stanton (11B2) who was awarded the WWF Big Bird Race, Most Seen Bird Award 2nd Runner Up in a Semi-professional Team on 23rd April 2022. James’ achievement started with a 5 am start, with 13 hours in the field, over 30k steps across some of the best sites Hong Kong has to offer, culminating in a total of 142 birds being seen or heard. James’ team raised almost $20,000 for WWF. 

Fundraising link: HERE

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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