23 Sep 2021

Year 7 Visual Art – Puppy Project

Year 7 students have had an exciting start to their artistic journey at SIS. Our statement of inquiry for our first unit is “An audience’s understanding of difference and inclusion can change over time”. 

Students’ initial investigation has been into the work of the American artist Jeff Koons and his giant puppy sculptures. We have been discussing the impact of his work on the world and how an audience’s understanding of artwork can change over time. 

Students have created their own ‘puppy sculptures’ using balloons in a similar style to Jeff Koons. The lessons have been fun, lively and we have seen some fantastic outcomes, along with a few squeals and jumps when balloons may have popped! 

The students then progressed onto producing some very careful observational pencil drawings, which will later develop into three-dimensional puppy sculptures where we will also make connections to Hong Kong Dog Rescue as part of the service-learning element of the unit.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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