28 Jun 2021

National Geographic X SIS

Over the last few weeks, we have been lucky to have some of the winning entries to the Hong Kong National Geographic Photo Competition 2020 on show across the school. Students have responded creatively to the exhibition in several ways, using different media in a variety of classes including Chinese, Spanish, and Theory of Knowledge. For example, pupils have written poetry and prose in response to the themes they evoke in Chinese and have made Screencastify videos in Spanish, analysing the photographs technically. They have produced some superb work in multiple languages, and as a result, gained some nuanced insights into life in Hong Kong through many different lenses. We are very grateful to Wheelock, who sponsored the exhibition, and allowed us all to view it here at SIS! Many thanks to all involved, especially to Danni Li who coordinated the show, and Gladys Zhai who helped edit the project booklet HERE

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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