Issue No. 14 (23 April 2021)

22 Apr 2021

Hong Kong University Academy for the Talented

We are incredibly proud to announce that Amaanat Rekhi (09N2) has been selected by the Hong Kong University Academy for the Talented (HKUAT). The Academy for the Talented was established in 2010-2011 and serves as a platform for outstanding students to pursue intellectual enhancement and personal growth by participating in workshops and gaining networking opportunities with the world’s top students. Students can interact with renowned scholars, pioneering researchers, and community leaders for a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience. Well done Amaanat!

22 Apr 2021

Year 7 Main Entrance Displays

The main entrance of the school has recently been brightened up with large, colourful banners made up of graphic design work that students completed during year 7 camp last year (now year 8 students). The banners show the IB Approaches to learning which is embedded in the South Island School curriculum;  these consist of Collaboration, Reflection, Media Literacy, Organization, transfer Skills, critical thinking, information literacy, communication, creating thinking, and affective skills. Our aim is to continue to use spaces around the campus to celebrate student learning and achievement – watch this space.

22 Apr 2021

HKAYP Bronze Level Assessment Expedition

On the 16th and 17th of April, 86 of our Year 10 students took part in this year’s Bronze HKAYP final assessment expedition. The weather over the weekend was generally windy and wet. The students had the challenge to navigate along some well-known and less used trail paths for a total distance of 27km. Using their AYP skills they conquered Violet Hill and the Twins and spent time hiking on the remote hills of Sai Kung countycountry park. We are delighted to announce that all the students that took part in this assessment successfully passed the expedition component of the award, which is an amazing achievement given the disruption to this year caused by the pandemic. A big well done to all the students that took part in the Bronze HKAYP program this year!

22 Apr 2021

Year 8 – China Virtual Exhibition

Year 8 students have been busy creating a virtual exhibition on chosen provinces in China for InSoc. As we reach the end of this extended piece of work, the students have invited parents to see their work. 8105 chose Guangdong province and their website can be viewed by clicking the below:

22 Apr 2021

Year 9 Integrated Arts – Horror Films

Year 9 Integrated Arts students have made some wonderful horror films during the Film Unit. Here is a selection of films that show off the filmmaking skills that have been developed during the unit. Enjoy…if you dare!!

Anna Keys, Alyssa Hayward, and Ambre Gosse

Nina Shale and Calista Rosboch

Poppy Byrom Britney Chan and Nellie Froidevaux

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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