13 Nov 2020

Scouts Complete Marathon Hike

Chief Scouts’ candidates completed their 30K expedition at the end of October – all in one go, on a marathon 7 1/2 hour hike late into the night. Organiser Lucas Chan (Y10) wanted to hike around Tai Tam, and it took the six Scouts half a dozen recces to map out a new route crossing some of Hong Kong island’s wildest corners.

Covid-19 has brought in special challenges: in the past, Scouts could spread the expedition over two days, and camp overnight. This year, with all campsites closed, they only had the option of a long hike, all in one go. The Scouts also had to prepare part of the expedition on Zoom, as face-to-face activities were suspended over the summer and only resumed on October 10th.

The Scouts started at Chai Wan MTR, hiked up Dragon’s Back, then down and along Tai Tam Bay, around the Tai Tam reservoirs, and finished by hiking along remote catchwaters at the foot of Violet Hill and the Twins.

The team also had to postpone the expedition by two days due to a late season typhoon.

Well done to Brendan Tang, David Chong, Justin Cheng, Lucas Chan, Zheng Hao Leong – all from Y10.

Congratulations to our IB Graduates! South Island School 2024 IB Results are now available! Please find themHERE
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